To Know, and not yet to Do, is not yet to Know.

When I was a teenager I spent six years taking Karate. Our lessons not only included learning different fighting combinations and blocking techniques, we were also required to memorize a number of creeds. These creeds often served not only as lessons on why we learn karate, but also lessons on life itself. When I was 12, I learned a creed that was very short, but ultimately served to teach a valuable lesson: "To Know, and not yet to do, is not yet to Know." This is a creed that I never forgot, and interestingly enough, it is also a lesson that was taught by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus taught us that Salvation is not something that can be earned through works and deeds, it is a gift that is offered freely by God, we need only to accept it. Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly tells us that we are only saved through Grace and not by works. However, some then ask the question "If Grace is Freely Offered, then why is that Christians always seem...