Jihadists Target Churches Around the World

For years we have been hearing about the persecution that Christians around the globe are suffering at the hands of Jihadists, and despite the ongoing reports, the suffering is continuing uninhibited. In the nation of Nigeria, Rev. Amos Mohzo, the President of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), revealed that in the past two years Fulani militants & their Jihadist allies have forced the closure of 70 churches in central Nigeria's Plateau state. Many Christians were drive from their homes and a good number of these churches were burned down. Many Christians live in camps outside their destroyed communities & cannot return to their homes due to the ever increasing danger of Jihad in the region. Most have been relying on NGO organizations to survive. Christian farmers express frustration that the Nigerian government isn't effectively utilizing the military to protect their communities. Many state that what's happening now is a continua...