The story began 15 years ago, when S., a Jewish girl from Jerusalem, met an Arab who exploited her naiveté and personal distress. Shortly afterwards, the two married and moved to an Arab village. Only after suffering severe domestic abuse that almost led to her death did S. turn to the anti-assimilation group Yad L'Achim and ask for help from the organization. A social worker of the Yad L'Achim rescue department was assigned care of S. and her son, and maintained telephone contact with her, with the conversations being conducted cautiously while the Arab husband went to work.

In a complex operation, the organization rescued S. and her son from the heart of a hostile Arab village in Samaria and transferred them to a well-guarded and well-appointed hiding place. Under the guidance of Yad L'Achim's legal advisors, S. filed a complaint with the police about her Arab husband's violence, and when her husband was brought to trial and imprisoned for a protracted period, the Jewish mother received exclusive custody of her son.  Over the years, S. came close to Judaism and her son, accompanied by a special Yad L'Achim mentor, began studying in the Talmud Torah school in the city where they lived. For the past year the tutor taught the boy the laws of putting on tefillin, reading the Torah, and preparing for the great day - the Bar Mitzvah day.

Link to Article

Mordechai Sones
November 28, 2017


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