media outlets like to complain about "fake news" emanating from
sources other than themselves, but the mainstream media itself has taken fake
news to new heights in its recent coverage of Jerusalem. Leading media outlets
have asserted, inter alia, that Jews never cared about Jerusalem until a few
decades ago, that Jews didn't live in East Jerusalem before 1967, and that
Jordan protected freedom of worship in the city.
East Jerusalem was "exclusively Arab" in 1967 only because Jordan had ethnically cleansed every last Jew from the area 19 years earlier. Prior to this ethnic cleansing, Jews lived there almost continuously for 3,000 years and constituted an absolute majority of the city's residents for the past century. During the 19 years when King Hussein ruled East Jerusalem, not one Jew was even allowed to visit the city or the Holy Sites.
The Jordanians razed synagogues in East Jerusalem, vandalized Jewish cemeteries, and used the gravestones as construction material. This would most likely have continued had Israel not liberated the City from Jordan.
by Evelyn Gordon,
December 14, 2017
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