"Mark's" story from Islam to Christ

"Mark" is a middle-aged family man who grew up as a Shia Muslim.  When he was a child, his family taught him not to shake hands with Christians or eat with them, if so, you become dirty and unholy and that he must read Qur’an and become clean.  His family continually taught him to to hate Christians, but he started to ask himself why he must hate Christians.  In his heart, he knew we were all human.  "Mark's family forced him to go to Mosque & learn the Qur’an, if he refused to go, he was beaten.  Though he was able to recite the Qur'an in Arabic, he did not understand the language, so he didn't even know what he was reading & reciting.  

Over time, "Mark" started friendship with Christians.  He wanted to understand differences between the faiths.  However, they were afraid to discuss it as they feared he would accuse them of blasphemy and get thrown in jail, or worse.  Nevertheless, "Mark" wanted to know the truth.  Over time, he met his future wife and sister, both of whom are Christian, and they took him to church.  At church he listened to the Pastor and heard the Lord’s Prayer, how Allah was called Father.  He also listened to numerous testimonies of those who believed and felt the presence of God.  After a few months, began attending church regularly and concluded that the Bible was right while the Qur'an was not.  "Mark" accepted Christ and was baptized.  

"Mark" had to stop visiting his family as they would attack him, his wife's family, and his church if they learned of his conversion.  Over time, "Mark's" brother found out and attacked him, but ultimately decided to keep his secret.  Despite his brother's promise, "Mark" still does not speak to family, he knows they’ll kill him as they are promised reward in Paradise if they kill apostates.  Today he still carries his ID card that identifies him as a Muslim.  If he tries to change it to Christian, it could lead to his death.  

You can help people like Mark and his family as they struggle together for their Daily Bread by sending a tax-deductible donation to Express Missions International.  All you have to do is note in your donation that you'd like it to go to the A&R Relief Effort and your funds will go directly to help "Mark" and other Pakistani Christians who are suffering grave persecution for their faith. 


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