Slavery in Pakistan

In the the town of Kasur, in the Punjab province of Pakistan just south of Lahore, hundreds of people, mostly Christians  but a few Muslims as well, are forced to work as slaves making bricks.  Slaves may work here for decades, possible even their entire lives.  For six days a week, everyone, even children, are forced to perform backbreaking labor 14-16 hours each day.  For a days labor, each family is paid only $10 a day.  It is impossible for these families to live on such a low wage, which forces them to borrow money from their landlord in order to survive.  This creates a system of debt slavery as the slaves have to keep borrowing money to survive, forcing them to remain trapped on this brick kiln for the rest of their lives.

They only way they can be freed is if they pay off their debt, but even then they have a near impossible task of finding self-sustaining work in a society that hates them.  Slaves are forced to work if they are sick, injured, and even if a relative dies they cannot be excused from their labor.  If they ask for time off, they're beaten.  Entire families are forced to live inside one-room huts scarcely bigger than a walk-in closet.  They are so poor that many cannot even afford shoes.  Sadly, their plight is unknown to most on the outside world.  The landlords, or I should say Slave Master's, don't want their story told.  When I was photographing the slaves and speaking to the, their landlord came out and in an angry tone, told me to leave.  He said that they're his slaves for life. 

The people here are treated like pieces of property, and the greatest tragedy of all is the fate that befalls the children. The children here cannot go to school and are forced to start working as young as seven.  They are robbed of their childhood and denied any chance for a better future.  It is up to us to ensure that these children are given a change.  We are seeking to obtain their freedom, but we need your help.  If you wish to assist us, please send a donation to the Express Mission International Organization on the Link Below.  Please send the donation with the A&R Brick Kiln Relief.  In this way, your donation will go directly to help the Brick Kiln Slaves of Pakistan.  Thank you and God Bless!

Express Missions International


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