The Iraqi-Jewish Nakba

Two States is a fraud!
I am a Jewish Palestinian Aborigine Refugee!

My grandfather Natanael lived in Baghdad and owned a line of gasoline shipping trucks that transported fuel from British Iraq to Jewish Palestine. In 1950, my grandfather together with my parents and 150 thousand other Jews who lived in Iraq received an order to pack one suitcase and leave their home, their land, and their businesses, all taken away.”
Iraqi Jewish Refugees
 “The newly established Israeli government ransomed the Iraqi Jews. They had to pay the Iraqi regime a hefty sum "Per Iraqi Jewish scalp" and renounce their citizenship. The majority of Iraq's Jewry boarded chartered airplanes arriving to muddy tent and shack "Maabarot" cities in Israel.  A rich and established landowner my grandfather became destitute and lost everything he worked for his entire life. His individual and community sin was "Being Jews" He lost his Iraqi identity in a second even though Jews have lived in Iraq for 2500 years!”

There was no Nakbah, or "captured lands." This land was legally allocated by the world's nations to the Jewish Diaspora in 1922. Refugees were on both sides [in 1948.]. The world should not be following and adopting the illegal and false "Palestinian" narrative claiming Eretz Israel is the "Arab historical and ancestral land".

Two States is a Fraud
by Drora bat Melch


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