Sex Trafficking of the Coptic Women of Egypt

In Egypt, there is an epidemic of
Islamists abducting Coptic Christian women and selling them into sex
slavery. There are hundreds of publicized cases, and thousands of
un-publicized ones. The kidnapped woman are subjected to physical &
psychological abuse, enslavement, rape, forced marriage, & forced
conversion to Islam. The late Coptic Pope Shenouda III acknowledged this crisis as
early as 1976. There were at least 550 documented cases of Coptic girls being
abducted and forcibly converted to Islam over the previous five years prior to
the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring & its aftermath only led to an
increase in abductions. The problem facing us is that this is not random
abduction, it is a massive sex trafficking rig that is spread through a number
of Middle Eastern Islamic Nations.
Many of the Islamist abductors work in
cooperation with corrupt fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood members and
supporters who infiltrate every aspect of society, including the police force
and local government. Thus, when
grieving families of abducted girls try to go to the authorities for help, they
are often ignored. However, radical imams from across the world
openly call for the abduction of Coptic girls throughout Egypt via Satellite
TV, and this has continued unhindered. Making matters worse, Jean Maher the
President of the French Office of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights revealed
that the kidnappers are often funded by Salafists in Saudi Arabia and other
Gulf nations and are paid anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 per Copt. New Jersey Congressman Christopher Smith, the
prime sponsor and author of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
confirms that this is sex slavery and human trafficking. He likewise confirms that the Egyptian
government under President Mubarak has failed to address this issue prior to
the Arab Spring. When the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt
under Muhammad Morsi following the ousting of Murbarak, the new Egyptian
Constitution drafted by the Morsi removed all prohibitions against slavery,
stating it was legal under Sharia. Morsi
likewise refused to address the issue of human trafficking and stated the
government would not abide by any form of International Law that went against
Sharia. This clearly gave a green light
to the Muslim Brotherhood and all other Islamists throughout Egypt that the sex
slavery and forced conversion of Coptic girls would go without any intrusion by
the new Egyptian government under Morsi.
Many of these abducted girls are from low economic status, they are often befriended by Muslim girls who in truth act as agents for the Muslim Brotherhood. Some of the abducted Coptic girls are even drugged and kidnapped. These girls are often taken to El Gamayah El Shariah locations, which serve as centers for converting women to Islam. Today, over 6,000 such centers are in operation throughout Egypt. Many are financed by Al-Azhar University, the Egyptian government, and several Islamic nations, including Saudi Arabia. They claim to be charitable health clinics but are in truth centers designed to induct people into Islam. Right now, the Coptic Christians are powerless to stop this. The police forces are so seriously infiltrated, that they do nothing to stop the abductions, and in some cases, collaborate with the abductors. Copts can’t even take matters into their own hands as the Islamist abductors often warn the families that they will retaliate against them and their churches if they try to get their abducted girls back. This abduction crisis also further illustrates the powerful double-standard that has deeply infected Egyptian society. Whereas the abduction and rape of Coptic girls goes on without punishment or interference from the government or the populace, a mere rumor of a Christian man having an affair with a Muslim woman is enough to set off mob attacks.
The epidemic is becoming so bad that Congress is considering taking action. Currently, H.Res.673 has 39 co-sponsors in which Congress will push Egypt to protect their Coptic Christian populace, but this is not enough. The sex trafficking rig is so entrenched in the region that only a collective, worldwide effort has any chance of bringing an end to this horrific epidemic once and for all.
"H.Res.673 - Expressing concern over attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt." 115th Congress 2017-2018. Accessed from
Many of these abducted girls are from low economic status, they are often befriended by Muslim girls who in truth act as agents for the Muslim Brotherhood. Some of the abducted Coptic girls are even drugged and kidnapped. These girls are often taken to El Gamayah El Shariah locations, which serve as centers for converting women to Islam. Today, over 6,000 such centers are in operation throughout Egypt. Many are financed by Al-Azhar University, the Egyptian government, and several Islamic nations, including Saudi Arabia. They claim to be charitable health clinics but are in truth centers designed to induct people into Islam. Right now, the Coptic Christians are powerless to stop this. The police forces are so seriously infiltrated, that they do nothing to stop the abductions, and in some cases, collaborate with the abductors. Copts can’t even take matters into their own hands as the Islamist abductors often warn the families that they will retaliate against them and their churches if they try to get their abducted girls back. This abduction crisis also further illustrates the powerful double-standard that has deeply infected Egyptian society. Whereas the abduction and rape of Coptic girls goes on without punishment or interference from the government or the populace, a mere rumor of a Christian man having an affair with a Muslim woman is enough to set off mob attacks.
The epidemic is becoming so bad that Congress is considering taking action. Currently, H.Res.673 has 39 co-sponsors in which Congress will push Egypt to protect their Coptic Christian populace, but this is not enough. The sex trafficking rig is so entrenched in the region that only a collective, worldwide effort has any chance of bringing an end to this horrific epidemic once and for all.
Alton, Lord
David. “Egypt and the Copts.” In Free the Copts:
From Ancient Glory to Modern Oppression. Edited
by Ramy Tadros. St. Clair, Australia:
Australian Coptic Movement Association
Limited, 2013.
Dr. Moheb. “What is in a Name?” In Free
the Copts: From Ancient Glory to Modern Oppression. Edited
by Ramy Tadros. St. Clair, Australia: Australian Coptic
Movement Association Limited, 2013.
Joshua. “Aftershocks: The Toppling of Egypt’s Government Has Led to
a Renewal of Violence Against the Nation’s Christian
Minority.” Smithsonian. 47.7. (Nov.
2011): 1-7. Accessed April 15, 2017 from
Elizabeth. After Saturday Comes Sunday: Understanding the Christian Crisis in the
Middle East. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2016.
Vickie. “Coptic Struggle for Equality in
Egypt: Now a Struggle for Survival.” In Free the Copts: From Ancient Glory to Modern Oppression. Edited by Ramy Tadros. St. Clair, Australia: Australian Coptic Movement Association Limited, 2013.
Ibrahim. “Seeing it Firsthand.” In Free
the Copts: From Ancient Glory to Modern Oppression. Edited
by Ramy Tadros. St. Clair, Australia: Australian
Coptic Movement Association Limited, 2013.
“Minorities at Risk:
Coptic Christians in Egypt.” Hearing Before the Commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe. First
Session. 210 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC. July 22,
"H.Res.673 - Expressing concern over attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt." 115th Congress 2017-2018. Accessed from
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