Pakistani Christian murdered over an Argument

During my recent trip to Pakistan, I interviewed a Pakistani Christian woman who I will call "Susan" to protect her identity.  In Dec. of 2016, "Susan" had become a widow and has been forced to raise her four children on her own.  Like many children of the world, they have great dreams and ambition.  Once wishes to become a doctor, another wants to serve his country in the military, and a third desires to become a human rights lawyer, but because of a harmless argument, they will have to pursue these dreams without their father by their side.  

"Susan's" husband worked as a cleaner in a factory.  He had friends who were both Muslim and Christian, but when a dispute over their respective faiths began at work, that friendship came to a sudden and violent end.  The "friends" of "Susan's" husband suddenly began to savagely beat him and told him to leave the factory.  He complied to their demands, but as he was leaving, his boss ran him over with his car and killed him.  That night, "Susan" heard a knock on her door.  When she opened it, she saw the dead body of her husband with his boss standing there.  He told "Susan" that if they did not leave, he would kill them too.  In one day, "Susan" lost her husband, her home, and was forced to flee her village.  Right now, "Susan" is forced to clean houses in order to support her children, and the only assistance she has received is from the Pakistani Christian Community.  No outside organization has offered her any kind of assistance.  "Susan's" children still mourn the loss of their beloved father, but they know that Jesus is with them.  Like many people, they have hope for the future, but they don't know how it will ever be possible to bring about a lasting change that will end their societal oppression.  

However, there is something that we can do to help them.  By sending donations to Express Missions International, we can bring aid to families like this one, and others who suffer dire persecution in Pakistan.  You lick on the link below and send a donation via check or PayPal to Express Missions with a notation that you wish for your donation to go to the A&R Relief Organization.  Any amount that you donate will be sent directly to this families.  Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Express Missions International


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