Confessions of Sheikh Rahman: Mastermind of the 1993 WTC Bombing

Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as The Blind Sheikh, dedicated much of his life to teaching violent Jihad against he world.  He supported Jihad against the government of Egypt in the 1970's, served with Osama bin Laden & Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and eventually came to the U.S. in the early 1990's to encourage Muslims in the country to wage Jihad on America, a nation that he hated with a passion.  Despite repeated attempts to have him deported, Sheikh Rahman kept managing to find loopholes.  Over time, Rahman would become the mentor for several terrorists who carried out the 1993 WTC Bombing.  It was shortly after this that Sheikh Rahman was arrested and sent to Federal Prison, where he died in 2017.  However, Rahman was more than just a terrorist, he was also a very well educated Islamic scholar, and for a time served as a Professor of Qur'anic interpretation at the most prestigious Islamic University in the world: Al Azhar University of Cairo, Egypt.  This University is essentially the Vatican of Islam.  It was here, that former Muslim Mark Gabriel would learn the terrible truth about what Islam really taught.

Mark Gabriel, like Sheikh Rahman, was a very devout Muslim.  By the age of 10, Mark Gabriel had the entire Qur'an memorized.  He eventually enrolled at Al Azhar University where he graduated 2nd out of a class of 6,000 and eventually would also serve as a professor there.  However, Mark had many problems with what he was being taught.  In 1980, Sheikh Rahman was Mark's professor of Qur'anic interpretation.  Throughout the course, Sheikh Rahman called Christians "Infidels," called Jews the "Children of Pigs," and called for the restoration of the glorious Islamic Empire through Jihad.  One day, Mark Gabriel stood up and asked him this very important question:

Eventually, Mark Gabriel went in the opposite direction.  He converted to Christianity and has written several books exposing what Islam really teaches.  It's time that we start heeding what both Sheikh Rahman and Mark Gabriel are telling us.  Even if we don't want to agree with Sheikh Rahman's views, the fact that his teachings are being taught to people in academic institutions and mosques all over the world should be enough to raise the Red Flag and make us realize that we are facing a very serious problem.

Links to Mark Gabriel's Books:

Jesus and Muhammad: Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities

Islam and Terrorism: The Truth about ISIS, the Middle East, & Islamic Jihad

Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle


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