Dr. King & Antifa

Over the past few years, I have observed the radical group "Antifa" engaging in actions of violence and intimidation against any and all whom they disagree with.  Claiming to be an "anti-fascist" organization, Antifa in truth embodies everything that is wrong in the Leftist movement at this present time.  They claim to be fighting fascism, yet they are using fascist tactics to make their point.  They've shouted down peaceful speakers at Universities, violently attacked demonstrators who do not agree with their views, and have even orchestrated riots that have caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage.  The sad reality is that Antifa is becoming the very thing that they seek to fight, and if you do that, then there is no point in fighting, because you have already lost. 

I think it's time that Antifa starts heeding the words of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr because I believe in my heart that if Dr. King was still here with us today, he would not approve of Antifa's actions. 


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