Ethnic Cleansing of Sinai's Christians

For the Coptic Christians of Egypt, the Arab Spring rapidly deteriorated into an ISIS Winter.  Due to the ongoing violence perpetrated against the Coptic Christians by the Muslim Brotherhood & their Salafist allies, over 100,000 Coptic Christians fled the country.  In some areas of the country, such as the Sinai region, the situation has deteriorated so badly that a massive ethnic cleansing campaign is underway.  

After the Arab Spring, ISIS inspired gunmen have targeted the Coptic Christians for attack throughout the Sinai.  These terrorists have targeted Coptic Christians in their homes, in the streets, even in restaurants.  Hundreds of families fled their homes to seek refuge in local churches or in other areas of the country.  Since 2011, thousands of Coptic Christians have fled from the Sinai due to the threat of ISIS.  Prior to the Arab Spring, there were over 5,000 Coptic Christians living in the Sinai.  Now, there are approximately 1,000.  If things don't change quickly, the Coptic Christian Community of the Sinai will be completely eradicated.  


Alton, Lord David.  “Egypt and the Copts.”  In Free the Copts: From Ancient Glory to Modern Oppression.  Edited by Ramy Tadros.  St. Clair, Australia: Australian Coptic Movement Association Limited, 2013,

“Egypt’s Coptic Christians Flee Sinai After Killings.”  Al Jazeera.  February 26, 2017.  Accessed July 20, 2  2017 from

Walsh, Delcan and Nour Youssef.  “Targeted by ISIS, Egyptian Christians Flee ISIS.”  The New York Times.  February 24, 2017. Accessed July 20, 2017 from


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