Palestinian Authority will not Grant Citizenship to Palestinian Refugees

One of the biggest arguments in the case for a Palestinian State is to create a homeland for the millions of people who are currently classified as "Palestinian Refugees" who are living in Arab nations throughout the Middle East.  These nations have deliberately denied the "Palestinians" citizenship for generations in order to use these people to wage a "political war" on Israel's legitimacy.  The Palestinian Authority likewise uses this crisis to further their cause for a state, though it truth, this "state" will be nothing more than a terrorist base from which to attack Israel, with no regard for the safety of the Arabs who will reside under their jurisdiction.  

In what is perhaps the irony of all ironies, the Palestinian Authority leaders have stated that they will not grant citizenship rights to the refugees who are currently residing in nations throughout the Middle East!  In an interview with the Daily Star, Palestinian Authority.  Ambassador Abdullah Abdullah stated “They are Palestinians, that’s their identity,” he says. “But … they are not automatically citizens.”  "They are still refugees. They will not be considered citizens.”  This not only applies to the "Palestinian refugees" living in refugee camps in the West Bank!  So, the issue of creating yet another state for the Arabs for the sake of peace is a lost cause for the simple fact that the leaders of the Arab Nations as well as the leaders of the Palestinian Authority have any interest in alleviating the suffering and oppression of the Palestinian People who have been forced by these nations to live in a stateless limbo for decades.  They simply want to use a Palestinian State as a temporary means with which to end the Jewish State of Israel once and for all.  


Baker, Alan.  “Israel’s Rights in the Territories Under International Law.”  Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.  Sept. 07, 2016.  Available at

Dershowitz, Alan.  The Case for Israel.  Hoboken, NJ: John Riley & Sons Inc., 2003.

Glick Caroline.  The Israeli Solution.  New York: Crown Forum, 2014.

Gold, Dore.  The Fight for Jerusalem.  Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2007.

Hecht, Igal.  “Human Rights Activist: The Palestinian Authority has been Given Enough Money to Equal 15 Marshall Plans-With Nothing to Show for it.”  September 08, 2015.  Accessed April 30, 2016.  Available at  

Katz, Samuel.  Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine.  New York: GRM Associates Inc., 2002.

Korn, Benyamin.  “Ten Years Later, Gaza Withdraw was a Huge Mistake.”  Algemeiner.  August 12, 2015.  Available at  

Shneider, Ilana.  “Palestinians are not Victims of the Occupation, They are Victims of their own Leadership.  CIJ News.  March 14, 2016.  Available at  

Slemrod, Annie.  "Interview: Palestinian Refugees will not be Citizens in a Palestinian State."  The Daily Star.  Sept. 15, 2011.


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