Antifa's Brown Shirt Tactics

Today, we are witnessing the so called "Anti-Fascist" group Antifa use the exact same tactics to silence those who disagree with their views. It has reached the point that some universities like Berkeley have literally become war-zones, with armed SWAT Team forces being called in to protect peaceful conservative speakers like Ben Shapiro. In 2017 at Middlebury College in Vermont, Charles Murray was scheduled to have a dialogue with moderate democrat Allison Stranger. Both were continually shouted down to the point that they had to have their dialogue behind closed doors via closed-circuit television. After this dialogue, both were physically assaulted as they tried to leave campus, with Ms. Stranger eventually hospitalized with a neck injury.
These actions committed by Antifa are exactly what the Brown Shirts did to Theodor Lessing in 1925. Antifa is not fighting fascism, they're enforcing it. Antifa is in truth, America's Brown Shirts.
D'souza, Dinesh. The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left. Washington DC: Regnery Publish, 2017.
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