Culture is not an Excuse for Abuse: The Story of Yasmine Mohammed

Tolerance once meant that we would treat others with respect, even if we did not agree with each other’s views.  Now, Tolerance is being defined as embracing all views are equally valuable and true (even if these views often make opposite claims).  Unfortunately, this re-definition of "Tolerance" is creating a society in which we brush off abuses committed on people in other cultures as simply being "Cultural Relativism."  They're simply doing what is right in their society, and while it would be seen as wrong in our society, for the sake of "Tolerance," we simply have to accept that there is no "Absolute Truth," and must therefore, not take action when people are being abused in other societies in order to be respectful of their "cultural" or "religious" practices.  Relativism is in truth creating a society which morality no longer exists, which in turn creates a society of "do nothings" in the face of moral evil, & no case more clearly reflects this travesty than that of Canadian native Yasmine Mohammad.

Born to a Muslim family in Egypt, Yasmine and her mother settled in Vancouver.  Naturally, she turned to the Mosque for support, seeking help from the Muslim community.  This unfortunately, was a Fundamentalist Salafist Mosque.  Yasmine's mother became the second wife of a Salafist Muslim man.  This Polygamy is very common in Vancouver, the men marry one woman under Canadian Law, and then marrying additional women under Sharia Law.  Yasmine's life soon became severely repressed under Sharia, and suffered physical and psychological abuse at the hands of her step-father and underwent powerful psychological brainwashing into radical Salifist Islam.  Yasmine turned to Canadian law enforcement for help, but the Canadian Judge, blinded by relativism, decreed that this was how their society did things, and  therefore it was not the place of Canadian law to intervene.  Yasmine was eventually forced to marry an Al-Qaeda terrorist who was linked to Osama bin Laden himself.  It was only after the Canadian Law Enforcement took him into custody that Yasmine escaped from her abusive family.  

So in the end, it was essentially decided that if you were a person from a Western culture, the laws of the nation will protect you from this abuse, but if you are of another culture where such abuse is the practice, you will not be under the protection of the laws of the nation.  You'll just have to find a way to cope with the abuse.  The sad truth is this, Yasmine Mohammad was betrayed by her country, a country in which too many are blinded by cultural relativism.  I will say this bluntly, Canada failed Yasmine Mohammad.  


"Confessions of an Ex-Muslim: Yasmine Muhammad.YouTube Video: 27:16.  Published by Rebel Media on April 04, 2018.  Accessed from

Honor Diaries: Culture is No Excuse for Abuse.  Produced by Paula Kweskin.  2013.    


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