Hamas War Crimes on Israel & Gaza
There are too many in
the world who believe that peace and security can be made between Israel and
Gaza if we make more demands on Israel for concessions and appeasement.
Unfortunately, the facts say otherwise. These past few months we have witnessed
Hamas committing multiple war crimes against both Israel and the people of
Gaza. The Fire Kite attacks committed by Hamas against Israel serve
no military value. They are not launching attacks against any
designated military site, they are simply seeking to do as much economic and
environmental damage as the can to the Israeli civilian
infrastructure. So far, the fire kites have caused millions of
dollars in damage to Israeli farms, and destroyed over 8,000 acres of
land. Experts state that it could take years for Israel to recover
from these attacks.
These attacks on the Israeli is an act of
Ecocide, a deliberate attack on the natural environment of a region made for
the sole purpose to make the region unlivable to the native inhabitants. This
is a very clear war crime, and it’s very similar the deliberate destruction
that Saddam Hussein wrought onto the marshland environment in south-eastern
Iraq in the 1990’s in order to deliberately displace the 500,000 people living
in the region as retribution to their opposition to his repressive
rule. Hamas is launching their fire kite attacks on Israeli farming
communities for the exact same reason that Saddam launched his murderous
campaign, to deliberately destroy the means of livelihood for an entire
population of people to the point that they’re forcibly displaced.
The actions of Hamas are
not only a crime against Israel, but a crime against the people of
Gaza. In the Gaza strip, the unemployment rate is an astounding 65%,
yet the only jobs Hamas has offered the people is to make fire kites and other
weapons of destruction. Even worse, Hamas deliberately used their
own women and children as human shields while carrying out these
attacks This action, according the Article 8 Section 2 (b-xxiii) of
the Rome Statute, are a crime against humanity. Unfortunately, it is not
surprising that Hamas would do such despicable things to their own
people. The goal of Hamas has always been to destroy Israel, and this has
not changed. The opening paragraph of the Hamas Charter clearly
states "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam
obliterates it, just as it obliterated others before it." In case
this is not clearly enough, Hamas openly states in Article 13 of their Chart
that the only solution to the for the Palestinian Conflict with Israel is
Jihad. The goal of Hamas is to wipe Israel off the map, and they are
willing to put their own women and children on the firing line if that's what
it takes. This mentality is verified by IDF Major Elliot Chodoff,
who recently spoke at the Christians United for Israel Summit on July 23, 2018,
and stated that Hamas is prepared to fight to the last drop of Palestinian
blood in order to destroy Israel.
These crimes against humanity that
are committed by Hamas not only against Israel, but their own people in Gaza,
cannot be ignored any longer. If we do this, we are not only turning
a blind eye to the humanitarian violations against Israel, but we are
permitting Hamas to prolong the ongoing suffering of the people of Gaza. It
is the moral responsibility of both the United States and the United Nations to
uphold the provisions set forth by the Rome Statute and not only issue official
sanctions against the terror organization Hamas, but to take steps to ensure
that those ordering these actions are tried in an international court for their
crimes against humanity. This is the only way to bring about an end
to the human rights violations committed by Hamas once and for all.
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