Hunted Across the World: The Story of Dr. Ahmed Mansour

Dr. Ahmed Mansour is a Muslim from Egypt.  Born in March of 1949, Dr. Mansour graduated from Al-Azhar University (the most prestigious Islamic University in the world), in 1973.  Dr. Mansour also served as a professor for the University until he was fired in 1987.  Dr. Mansour was fired due to his opposition to Sharia Law, which angered the radical Wahabbist Muslims who over they years have gained control of both the University and most of Egyptian society.  Dr. Mansour's support of democracy, equal rights, and tolerance went directly against the views of the Wahabbists, who had Dr. Mansour fired, persecuted, and eventually arrested.  Many of Dr. Mansour's colleagues were assassinated for sharing his views.  Among those was Farag Foda, an Egyptian-Muslim activist who was assassinated in 1992 for fighting for the equal rights for women in Egyptian society.  Foda was assassinated in 1992.  

Dr. Mansour explains that the Egyptian society is trapped between two Devils.  The corrupt, repressive government controls the military, but the radical Muslim Brotherhood controls the Mosques and the Streets, with both sides using intimidation, harassment, & murder to silence their opponents.  Dr. Mansour confesses that the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Mosques continually preach hatred of all non-Muslims and declares that Muslims who do not support Wahhabism are traitors to the faith and must die.  He likewise admits that the Muslim Brotherhood, along with the Wahabbist supporters gain their funding directly from Saudi Arabia, who pours billions into numerous institutions and confesses that they are the Axis of Evil in the Middle East.  

Saudi Arabia's determination to silence Dr. Mansour knows no bounds.  It has expanded its efforts all the way to the United States.  When Dr. Mansour attempted to expose how a Boston Mosque was funded by the radical Muslim Brotherhood, they sued him.  Dr. Mansour, who had little funds for himself, soon found himself up against a powerful enemy who received large amounts of funding directly from Saudi Arabia.  Luckily, some members of the media and human rights organizations came to his aid and he prevailed, but many others in the media refused to get involved.  The reason being is that the Wahhabists here in the U.S. had a lot of Saudi Arabia's oil wealth to back them up, and they use lawsuits to try and silence any in the West who dare to speak against them.  

As Ex-Muslim Brother Rachid once stated in an interview "In America if you criticize them, they crucify your reputation.  If you criticize them in the Middle East, they will literally crucify you."  


Dr. Ahmed Mansour.  Islam Uncensored.  Interviewed by Jeff King.  Washington D.C.: International Christian Concern, 2011.


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