The Occupation did not Create Terrorism: Terrorism Created the Occupation

In our desire to see lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, we are losing focus on the most important thing, and that is the truth.  Many incorrectly believe that Israel's ongoing occupation of the West Bank (Judea & Samaria), is the principle reason for the ongoing terrorist attacks against Israel.  However, this is not true.  Prior to the 1967 War there were no Jews at all living in the West Bank or in Gaza.  Despite this, armed Palestinian Terrorists, known as Fedayeen, launched thousands of terrorist attacks against the Israeli nation throughout the 1950's & 1960's.  These Fedayeen raids were an ongoing factor that played a crucial role in Israel's decision to enter the conflicts in 1956 & 1967. 

Nobody know this better than Nonie Darwish.  Born in Gaza in 1949, Nonie lost her Father at a young age as he was killed for leading terrorist attacks against Israel.  Throughout the 1950's-60's Nonie's father and other Fedayeen leaders launched terrorist attacks against Israel from Gaza and the West Bank.  In Jan. of 1956, Israeli commandos came to her home looking for him.  When they saw that he wasn't there and found only women and children, they left without harming anyone.  Nonie confessed in her book that had the situation been reversed, the Fedayeen would have killed them all.   Pakistani Muslim Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed also verifies this fact.  Though she does not like the occupation, she believes it is impossible for Israel to end it, as it would mean turning the region over to leaders who express a "virulent Jihadist mentality that calls for Israel's destruction."

The truth is this: The Occupation did not create Terrorism, Terrorism created the Occupation.


Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.


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