Anni Cyrus & M-103

Anni Cyrus was born and raised in the nation of Iran.  She was raised by a Sheikh under strict Sharia Law.  By the age of nine, she was considered an "adult woman."  This was the Law under Sharia.  During her time in Iran, she received her first lashing for riding in the front seat of a taxi cab and the driver falsely stated that they had a relationship.  Though this was a lie, the judge took the cab drivers word over hers, as under Sharia, a woman's testimony counts for half of a man's.  She was forced to leave school because her father decreed it, and she had no right to challenge it.  This is due to the fact that Surah 4:34 dictated that women were inferior to men and as a result, men have full authority over them.  At age 15, Anni was forced to marry an older man against her will.  She was constantly raped and beaten by her husband, and neither her father nor the courts helped her, stating that Surah 4:34 states that a husband can beat her if she fails to obey her husband.  

Fortunately for Anni, her grandmother got her out of the country, and after spending time as a refugee, Anni came to America through the legal channels and became an American citizen.  Unfortunately, there are so many children in the Middle East who are in the same predicament, but they do not get saved.  This happens not due to political corruption, Lone Wolf Radicals, but Sharia, which comes directly from the Qur'an itself.  The reason why nothing changes is because we don't want to talk about it, and under M-103, we won't be able to talk about it.  Every day in the Middle East, a child is forcibly married off against her will, a woman is raped, a girl falls victim to honor killing, or a child becomes a victim of Female Genital Mutilation.  All of this is sanctioned under Sharia, and all of Sharia comes from Islamic religious texts.  

Anni memorized the Qur'an by the time she was a young child.  She asks us to read the Qur'an and check the sources for ourselves.  Anni is Islamophobic, not because she has an irrational fear of Islam.  She is Islamophobic because under Islam she was beaten, raped, and nearly killed.  Her fear is very rational.  If we allow laws like M-103 to reach the point where even critical discussion becomes forbidden, then any and all hope for women who suffered as Anni Cyrus suffered will be gone.  

Link to Anni Cyrus Video


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