Exodus from Iran: The Story of Daniel Shayesteh

Daniel Shayesteh was born to a nominal Muslim family in northern Iran.  Though his family was considered nominal, disdain of Christians and Jews was widely taught in every aspect of Iranian society.  During is college years in the late 1970's he ceased being nominal and became a devout follower of his faith as well as a staunch supporter of Ayatollah Khomeini.  He, along with many Leftists and Islamists, angered by what they felt was a corrupt and repressive society, united to to oust the Shah of Iran.  

The Iranian Revolution was soon taken over by Ayatollah Khomeini, and both sides  blindly followed Khomeini, believing he would usher Iran into a new Golden Age.  Unfortunately, Shaytesteh and many opponents of the Shah were deceived by Khomeini.  Most of the revolutionaries did not understand how Khomeini would change their country.  

Daniel Shayesteh testified that Ayatollah Khomeini promised Democracy and Freedom once he entered the country.  He lied.  Under the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya, lying is permissible if it helps protect yourself, or the Islamic faith.  So Khomeini lied to the masses who wanted democracy and freedom while keeping his true plans hidden.  Initially, Shayesteh helped form the Iranian Revolutionary Army and also helped establish the terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon.  Plans were also made to destroy America.  The reason being is that America was the reigning superpower and was in Infidel nation that was home to millions of Jews.  This travesty could not stand. 

Shayesteh with Iranian Revolutionary Army

Soon after obtaining power, the Ayatollah began to target any Iranian who he felt was a threat.  Repression of women, religious minorities, and Iranian society as a whole increased substantially.  Eventually, Shayesteh fell out of favor with Khomeini and was imprisoned.  He managed to escape and was forced to flee to Turkey.  When reflecting on the Revolution, Shayesteh stated “we were misinformed, brainwashed.  Without question or investigation, we believed that to follow Islam was to follow our leader blindly.  We believed Islam would fill in all the inconsistencies and we would be a democracy.  In truth, the Revolution was a blindside attack on those of us who wanted equality and peace.”


Acts17Apologetics.  "What is Taqiyya?"  Published June 10th, 2015.  YouTube Video.  Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F4wBeshTsw.

HeavenVisitNet.  "Former Iranian Political Leader Found Jesus is the Only Way-Daniel Shayesteh (Muslim Testimony)."  Published July 23, 2013.  YouTube Video.  Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnebWT4pnQ.  

Kendal, Elizabeth.  After Saturday Comes Sunday: Understanding the Christian Crisis in the Middle East.  Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2016. 


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