Foolish Funding of UNRWA by Western Nations

The UNRWA has received billions in funding from the International Community, with nothing to show for it.  The U.S., weary of an organization that has done little to facilitate peace or assist in resolving the ongoing Palestinian Refugee problem, has decided to cut back on its funding of the organization.  While many express concern that this could further destabilize the Middle East, one must ask the following question: "If the Islamic nations of the Middle East cared so much for the Palestinians, why don't they fund the UNRWA?"

The answer is simple.  The Arab & Muslim nations of the region are not as naive as the Europeans, who continue to pay millions of dollars to UNRWA. European Union leaders and governments are playing their own people for fools by not telling them that even the Arabs and Muslims do not waste their money on a UN agency that has created new generations of fake refugees by allowing second and third generations to inherit UNRWA's status of "refugee" instead of working to settle them in the dozens of Arab nations in the Middle East.  As it stands, many of these "Palestinian Refugees" live under Apartheid circumstances in Arab nations throughout the Middle East.  The 500,000 Palestinians who are denied citizenship and basic human rights in the nation of Lebanon in a prime example.

Over 500,000 Palestinians Live under Apartheid Circumstances in Lebanon

Iran also plays its own role in this issue.  Contrary to European Powers, Iran does not offer much to the UNRWA.  In fact, they only grant a token offering of $2000 per year.  They instead choose to give billions in aid to terrorist organization such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, all over whom have vowed to fight on until Israel is annihilated.  All the while, they pay lip service to these refugees, pledging to them that they will one day return to the homes of their great grandparents, homes that no longer exist.  

It's time for European and other Western taxpayers to learn the truth.  That millions of the tax dollars that they pay to their native countries is going to these "refugees," thus encouraging them not to move on with their lives or improve their living conditions because they have become entirely dependent on US and EU taxpayer money.   In truth, we are contributing to creating the World's biggest Welfare State.  

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