Former Radical: We Openly Talked Peace, but Secretly Discussed Conquest

In August of 2018, Hicham Nostik,  a Moroccan Migrant to Germany gave an interview.  He confessed to being a very devout follower of Islam when he migrated from Morocco to the Germany in the 1990's.  When he first arrived, he lived at the local mosque.  At the time he arrived, the Bosnian War was raging & Mujahideen (Islamic Fighters) were constantly coming in and out of the Mosque on their way to and from the war in Bosnia.  Hicham continually interacted with the Mujahideen and soon began to understand what he dubs as "the Dark Side of Islam."  He learned that the Mujhadideen were not simply fighting for the independence of nations or to drive out foreign incursions, but to implement Sharia Law throughout the World.

Hicham soon learned that the Mujadideen had no intention of stopping when the conflict in Bosnia finally ended.  They planned to forcefully implement Sharia Law in Germany as well.  Hicham's mosque soon began to play a twisted double game with the German populace.  When the German people came to the Mosque to inquire about the faith, or when the mosque members handed out flyers to curious individuals who passed by, they would preach to them that their congregation was all about peace, love, and tolerance.  They would tell them that they too loved Jesus, and gave the peaceful Meccan verses of Tolerance (Ex. Surah 109:6-"For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.").  However, behind closed doors, the many in the congregation discussed how they were going to conquer Germany and place the nation under Sharia.  The irony of all ironies is that this was not something that has been discussed in the past year or two, this was being discussed back in 1995!

Over time, Hicham left the Mosque and moved to Frankfurt, eventually enrolling in a Christian University.  Hicham decided to use the opportunity to engage in da'wah (Invite people to Islam) and try to win over some of the Christian community to the Islamic Faith.  However, Hicham soon learned that the Christianity of the Bible was much different than the Christianity that is described in the Qur'an and in Islamic writings.  As he studied, Hicham soon realized that the Bible was supported by historical and scientific facts while the Qur'an contained numerous historical and scientific flaws.  He realized that if he accepted fact, he would have to reject the Qur'an.  However, for Hicham, the final straw was the issue of morality.  It was inconceivable to him that a God who was supposed to be merciful and love us in the same way that a parent loves their child, would permit barbaric practices like slavery and encourage his followers to kill apostates.  Hicham gradually came to the realization that this Dark Side of Islam is in fact the True Islam, and he decided that the only moral thing he could do was leave the Islamic faith for good. 

Link to Video Testimony

Link to Article


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