Freedom of the Press? Not in Palestine.

Throughout the world, we hear people calling for a "Free Palestine."  However, many fail to understand that giving a group of people a state does not necessarily mean that you're giving them freedom.  The journalists who work in territories run by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority can attest to this.  Throughout these territories, journalists, especially those critical to the policies of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, have been subjected to harassment, intimidation, fines, and even imprisonment.  

In a recent case, Hebron radio host Mohammed Abu Jhaisheh refused a command from the Palestinian Authority to report to security forces for interrogation.  He was ultimately detained for four days and fined $700 for tearing up his summons and posting it on social media.  In a survey of over 300 journalists conducted in January of this year, the overwhelming majority believed that the Palestinian Authority was not granting them freedom of the press.  

It seems that if every given a state, Palestine will simply become a reflection of the other Arab states in the region, states that are Independent, but not free.  

Toameh, Khaled Abu.  "Palestinian Journalists: We Do Not Have Free Media."  Gatestone Instituted.  September 04, 2018.  Accessed from


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