Juliana Taimoorazy: Founder of the Iraqi Christian Relief Organization

In the year 2016 I had the opportunity to attend a Persecuted Christian Conference and meet Juliana Taimoorazy, the founder of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council.  During the conference, Juliana shared her background with us.  Born in Iran, Juliana faced immense persecution in Iran for being an Assyrian Christian.  She was eventually smuggled out of the country.  She first stayed in Switzerland, then Germany, before being granted asylum in America in Dec. 1990.  

Juliana explained to us that for centuries, the Assyrian Christian Community has been suffering ongoing attacks in the name of Jihad.  During the First World War, Assyrian Christians were also targeted by the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide.  Hundreds of thousands of Assyrians were slaughtered, yet to this day, the Jihadists are still seeking to annihilate this community once and for all.  Juliana testified that in the past 120 years, she has lost eight relatives to Jihad.  In the year 2007, Juliana founded the Iraqi Christian Relief Council in an effort to help the Iraqi Christian Community who have been relentlessly targeted by Jihadist insurgents.  The rise of ISIS only made their plight even more dire.  ISIS now seeks to finish this community once and for all, and Juliana feels that the only way for the Assyrians to to save themselves is to follow the lead of the Zionist movement of the early 20th century and re-declare themselves as a sovereign nation in Northern Iraq.  

Juliana justifiably believes that they Assyrian Christian Community cannot survive under the administration of any nation in which the Islamic Faith dominates.  For far too long her people have been subjected to mass slaughter, and the inability of the government of Iraq to protect them means that her people have a natural right to declare their own nation in their ancient homeland of Northern Iraq with Nineveh as their capital, as it was once the capital of the Assyrian nation of ancient times.  Juliana believes that with a collective effort of the Assyrians who have been scattered across the world due to the centuries of slaughter and the support of the Western Nations, an Assyrian nation in Northern Iraq can be reborn.  

Juliana not only urges us to support an Assyrian Nation, but to also learn to understand the danger that Islamic Jihad poses to the free world and to speak forcibly against it.  When one individual at the conference expressed concern that many in the Middle East will hate us if we support such measures Juliana simply responded by saying "It doesn't matter what we do, they hate us anyway.  Throughout the Middle East, hatred for Jews, Christians, and the West is preached in the Mosques, schools, and every aspect of society.  We have a moral obligation to speak against any doctrine that is both false and dangerous."  Despite her personal suffering, Juliana maintains that she has no hatred for Muslim people.  In fact, she has repeatedly spoken out on behalf of Muslim women who suffer under Sharia and voiced support for these women in the Award-Winning 2013 Documentary Film Honor Diaries.  


The International Christian Concern Conference of 2016. 


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