NFL Protests: The Untold Stories

In recent years, NFL player Colin Kaepernick created a stir throughout the nation when he chose to kneel during the playing of the National Anthem in protest of Police Brutality against Minority Communities, particular African-Americans, here in the United States.  During this time of controversy, I personally chose to keep my views on this matter to myself.  I had mixed feelings, about the issue at hand, as well as how it was being protested, but regardless, I believed that Kaepernick had the right to stand, or in this case, kneel for his beliefs, because I am a firm believer in the First Amendment of the Constitution.  However, over time I began to realize that the NFL, like many in America, only support the First Amendment when it comes to expression views that they agree with, but when it comes to views that they disagree with, they want the First Amendment to be suppressed, rather than be upheld.

Let me cite a few examples.  After the shooting of Five Dallas Police Officers by Micah Xavier Johnson in July of 2016, the Dallas Cowboys wanted to pay tribute to these officers by placing "Arm in Arm" decals on their helmets.  However, the NFL refused to allow this.  Tennessee Titans football player Avery Williamson wanted to wear football cleats honoring the 9/11 attack, the NFL threatened to fine him.  Former Chicago Bears player Brandon Marshall was fined $10,000 for wearing green shoes to raise awareness of mental health illness.  Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams was denied a request to wear pink all season long to raise awareness of for Breast Cancer, which killed his mother years earlier.  Does this show a bias?  Does this illustrate that the NFL only supports the First Amendment when they approve of the cause, but seeks to suppress it when players want to honor a cause that the NFL does not approve of?  I would say that they answer to this question is yes.  

I would therefore say that it's time for the NFL to make a choice.  They must either protect all of the NFL players First Amendment Rights and ensure that every player can express their views on an issue regardless of how the league feels about it, or the NFL is simply going to have to make it a requirement that no NFL player can take action for or against any cause on the football field.  Simply put, the NFL will have to protect the First Amendment Rights of all their players, or they will have to deny the First Amendment Rights to all players.  There is no other option.  


Brinson, Will.  "NFL Won't let Cowboys Wear Decals Supporting Dallas Police in Regular Season."  CBS Sports.  Aug. 11, 2016.  Accessed from

Gabriel, Bridgitte.  Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom.  Lake Mary, FL: FrontLine, 2018.

"NFL Denies Cowboys Request to Wear Decal Honoring Fallen Dallas Officers."  Fox News.  August 12, 2016.  Accessed from

Wolf, Jason.  "NFL Squashes Titans Linebacker Avery Williamson's Plan to Honor 9/11 Victims."  Tennessean.  Sept. 09, 2016.  Accessed from

Wolf, Jason.  "Titan's Avery Williamson Wears 9/11 Cleats Despite Fine Threat."  Tennessean.  Sept. 11, 2016.  Accessed from


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