Al Azhar University Infiltrated by Radicals

For many years there has been an increasing persecution of the Coptic Christian Community in Egypt.  The reason for the horrific persecution is the ongoing infiltration of radicals Wahhabists into every aspect of Egyptian society.  The most glaring case is that of Al Azhar University.  Al Azhar is the most elite Islamic University in the world.  It's prestige cannot be measured by Western Standards, but to give an idea, consider all the Ivy League Schools of America combined into one super elite institution.  This will give you an idea of just how important Al Azhar is.  

With such high prestige, it is of no surprise that Al Azhar exercises great influence over the Islamic world.  Unfortunately, the power and influence of Saudi Arabia in the region has enabled their Wahhabist style of Islam to deeply ingrain itself within the University.  Radicals throughout the region have been granted tenure at the University where they use their influence to call for violent Jihad to bring the entire world, both Islamic and otherwise, to embrace their views of what Islam should be.  The most glaring example of this influence is that of Sheikh Rahman.  Known as the infamous "Blind Sheikh," Rahman was one of the Masterminds behind the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.  A graduate of Al Azhar, Rahman later became a professor at the institution.  Throughout his tenure, he spoke out against secularism and equality, urging violent actions against all "enemies of Islam" both in Egypt an abroad.  As time went on, ever increasing Saudi influence allowed radicals who followed Sheikh Rahman's line of thinking to take over the Al Azhar while secular opponents who worked at the Al Azhar were forced out.  Many of these secular professors, such as Dr. Ahmed Mansour & Dr. Mark Gabriel were eventually sent to prison thanks to the influence of the radicals, and both were ultimately forced to flee the country.  

Sheikh Raham: Mastermind of the 1993 Word Trade Center Bombing

Voice of the Copts Founder Dr. Ashraf Ramelah stated that Al Azhar has so much power that they unofficially control Egypt.  However, with so many radicals now operating within the University, it has essentially become a think-tank organization for Jihadist terrorists.  This became exposed to the world in 2015 when the University refused to condemn the horrific actions being done by ISIS.  When questioned on why Al Azhar refused to denounce the Islamic State as being un-Islamicic, Skeikh Nasr, a scholar of Islamic Law & a graduate of Al Azhar stated the following:

“It can't [condemn the Islamic State as un-Islamic]. The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al-Azhar's programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al-Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world [to establish it]. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al-Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al-Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from religious minorities]. Al-Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al-Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?”

The reason why this state was given is that the Wahhabist ideology that has imbued itself within Al Azhar is in truth the very same ideology that motivates all the extreme terrorist groups around the world.  Ever major terrorist group: Boko Haram, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban,  al-Shaabab, Hamas, and many others.  This ideology has been allowed to spread unchecked, and it has not only placed the Coptic Christian Community of Egypt in terrible peril, but it has enabled the threat of Jihadist terrorism to become a world-wide crisis.  The time of the West being passive in the face of this evil ideology must come to an end.  If it is to be defeated, the West must push the entire world to stand up and challenge this ideology.  We are decades behind.  


Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Dr. Ahmed Mansour.  Islam Uncensored.  Interviewed by Jeff King.  Washington D.C.: International Christian Concern, 2011.

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah.  Voice of the Copts.  (2017, July 23).  Personal Phone Interview. 

Fouad, Ahmed.  “Al-Azhar Refused to Consider the Islamic State an Apostate.”  Al Monitor.  February 12, 2015.  Accessed August 01, 2017 from apostates.html

Gabriel, Mark.  Islam and Terrorism: The Truth About ISIS, The Middle East, and Islamic Jihad.  Lake  Mary, FL: FrontLine, 2015.

Gabriel, Mark.  Jesus and Muhammad: Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities.  Lake Mary, FL: FrontLine, 2015.

Ibrahim, Raymond.  Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.  Washington D.C.: Regency Publishing Company, 2013.

Ibrahim, Rayond.  "Eliminate Israel, Eliminate Islamic Terrorism?  A Look at Muslim Logic and Western Naivety."   FrontPage Mag.  March 02, 2018.  Accessed from

“Minorities at Risk: Coptic Christians in Egypt.”  Hearing Before the Commission on Security and   Cooperation in Europe.  First Session.  210 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC.  July 22, 2011.


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