Mobs Threatening Nationwide Reprisal if Asia Bibi is not Executed

Since 2010, Christian mother of 5 Asia Bibi has been on death row on blasphemy charges.  Blaspheming Muhammad or the Islamic Faith is considered a capital offense in the nation of Pakistan.  Throughout the country, many innocent Christians and Muslims sit in prison on Blasphemy Charges.  Many of which fear that they will be executed.  Of  all the Blasphemy cases in Pakistan, none have captured as much world-wide attention as Asia Bibi.  For 8 years, International pressure has prevented Asia Bibi's execution, but now her case is about to be decided once and for all by the Pakistani Supreme Court.  Unfortunately, radicals are whipping up mobs throughout the country, and they are threatening mass reprisal of Asia Bibi is not executed.  

Throughout the country, radials have used Friday Prayers as a tool of mass mobilization.  Most Muslims attend Friday Prays in their local Mosques.  The radicals take advantage of this to organize massive protests against Asia Bibi throughout the nation.  Radicals remind the masses that Sharia Law dictates that "The Punishment for the blasphemers of the Prophet is Death."  "The government must reject pressure from the Christian and Jewish lobby [not to execute Asia Bibi]."  

This case is important, not just because the life of Asia Bibi hangs in the balance, but because the fate of the entire free world is on trial.  Ideas like Freedom of Speech, Religion, and Equal Treatment Under the Law all hang in the balance.  Many activists in Pakistan who believe in these principles and courageously stood up for Asia Bibi have already lost their lives.  We cannot let their brave sacrifice be in vain.  If the Supreme Court gives into the calls of the radicals and order the execution of an innocent woman to appease a hateful mob, all hope for persecuted Pakistani minorities may die with her.  Call your government officials & urge them to Act for Asia Bibi, and above all, pray!


Ahmad, Tufail.  "Barelvi Clerics Threaten Siege of Pakistan if Christian Blasphemy Convict not Hanged."  The Middle East Media Research Institute.  October 19, 2018.  Accessed from

"Death Row Blasphemer Asia Bibi's Final Appeal."  The Australian.  October 8th, 2018.  Accessed from


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