Saudi Preacher: "Women have a Quarter of a Brain!"

Saudi Arabian Sheikh Saad Al-Hijri stated on live television that Saudi women should not drive cars.  The reason being is that according to Sharia Law, a woman's brain is half that of a man's, and no right-thinking person would allow a "half-brained man" to drive a car.  Thus, according to Sharia logic, we cannot allow women to drive cars because they only have half a brain.  

However, the Sheikh did not stop here.  He further stated that when a woman is permitted to shop, she will lose half of her half-brain.  So we cannot allow women to drive cars and shop because a quarter brained person cannot be behind the wheel of a car.  And people think it's so bad here in America?


The Holy Qur'an

Hadith of Sahih Bukhari

Rannard, Georgina & Muhammad Shukri.  "Women have 'Quarter of a Brain' Says Saudi Cleric."  BBC News.  September 22, 2017.  Accessed from


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