The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Non-Profit Organization?

The Southern Poverty Law Center likes to promote itself as a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to fighting racism and bigotry here in America.  However, is it really a non-profit organizations?  Well thanks to using its fear tactics, the Southern Poverty Law Center has reeled in millions of dollars in donations from Left-leaning groups and activists who believe that they are aiding in the fight against intolerance in America.  In truth, they're being suckered into paying exponential salaries to a Left-wing smear organization.  

Consider this.  In 2015 the Southern Poverty Law Center had a net-worth of $328 million!  Interestingly, tens of millions was kept in offshore bank accounts.  Now how does the Southern Poverty Law Center use this huge net worth?  Well in 2015 the organization spent an astounding $20 million dollars on the salaries of their employees!  The CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center Richard Cohen received a base salary of $346,000 that year, while Chief Trial Counsel Morris Dees received $329,000 as his yearly salary!  

I'm sorry to say this, but I think we might need to consider filing fraud charges against the Southern Poverty Law Center, because when your net worth is so big that you need to check it for swimming cartoon ducks, you're probably not a non-profit organization anymore.  


Gabriel, Brigitte.  Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom.  Lake Mary, FL" FrontLine, 2018

Grandstaff, Jacob.  "The Ivory Spires of the SPLC Poverty Palace."  Capital Research Center.  September 11, 2017.  Accessed from

"Stossel: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam."  Reason TV.  Published January 16, 2018.  Accessed from

Thiessen, Marc.  "The Southern Poverty Law Center has Lost all Credibility."  The Washington Post.  June 22, 2018.  Accessed from


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