"Terrorists Target Prisons for Recruitment"

Benjamin Hermon: Recruited in Prison for Jihad
When I read the book of former Neo Nazi TJ Leyden, I learned how the Skinheads love to targeted the disgruntled youth for recruitment.  This made prisons a popular place for recruiting.  Many people who end up in prison for any number of reasons are unsurprisingly angry at society, the country, and the world in general.  Many of the disgruntled lay blame on the system, the media, or any number of scapegoats.  Gang recruiters prey on this these vulnerable individuals, and they seek to manipulate these emotionally unstable people into serving their cause.  

Gang recruiters want soldiers in their cause, and manipulating the disenchanted to serve their cause has been a classic strategy for many years, and there is no better breeding ground for manipulating the disgruntled then our prison systems.  For those who think that prison gangs cannot be danger to society since they're already behind bars had best think again.  The Aryan Brotherhood is one of the largest and most dangerous gangs in the entire country, and they started as a prison gang.  Prisoners get locked up, but many more get out, and a number of those who do get out have fallen under the sway of infamous gangs such as the Mexican Mafia or the Aryan Brotherhood, and they these newly indoctrinated soldiers continue their vendetta on the streets.  Even more frightening is the fact that the Jihadists have latched onto this tactic.  The Jihadists are not fools, many are already experienced in the art of indoctrination, and as a number have been sent to prison, they've turned their indoctrination skills onto the vulnerable prison populace.  Such was the case for Benjamin Herman.

As the the Middle East nation has descended into Jihadist war, thousands of Middle Eastern residents in Europe went overseas to join various Jihadist groups and fight for their murderous cause.  As the conflict have created a massive migration epidemic in Europe, these very same Jihadists who left Europe to fight are now blending in with the migrants to bring the war to Europe.  Many come in undetected and even when intelligence agencies are able to find the Jihadist Terrorists and send them to prison, they still carry out their cause with another tactic: prison recruitment.  These terrorists are experts at brainwashing vulnerable prisoners to join them in their murderous vendetta.  Prisoners like Benjamin Herman.  Though a repeated felon who repeatedly found himself in trouble with the law, Benjamin did not fit the profile of a typical terrorists.  He grew up as a nominal Catholic in middle class suburb.  He was a native of France, a White Caucasian who had never even been to the Middle East.  Despite his ongoing crimes, he displayed no support for the Jihadist cause prior to his  incarceration.  Yet while in prison, he fell under the sway of Jihadist prison recruiters and became a supporter for ISIS.  On May 29th, 2018, Benjamin was released on a one day parole and launched a vicious attack on two police women, killing them both as well as a passing motorist before being killed in a gunfight with police.  Benjamin did this heinous act in the name of Jihad.  

Experts throughout Europe are now warning that prisons are becoming indoctrination centers for Jihadists and fear that some prisoners who are indoctrinated will follow Benjamin's example upon being released.  Terrorists may get locked up, but they don't sit idly by while in prison.  They continue their vendetta by convincing other inmates to join their cause and do their dirty work.  The only effective way to stop this is to expose their murderous ideology to those in prison and use the facts to convince them that this is a dangerous and hypocritical cause to support.  A good place to start is to watch this video, it shows us how the prison culture works, and illustrates how the Jihadist ideology does not coincide with it.

Link to Video: "How to Stop Prison Radicalization (Anybody Can Do It)."


Grierson, Jamie and Caelainn Barr.  "Police Facing Surge in Extremists Released from Jail, Analysis Finds."   The Guardian.  June 03, 2018.  Accessed from https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jun/03/surge-in-terrorists-eligible-for-parole-poses-threat-to-uk-security.

"How to Stop Prison Radicalization (Anybody Can Do It)."  Acts17Apologetics.  YouTube: 18:02.  December 05, 2018.  Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWkXfXi5JAk&t=2s.

McAuley, James.  "Christmas Market Attack: France Declares Strasbourg Shooting an Act of Terrorism."  December 12, 2018.  Accessed from  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/french-police-sought-to-arrest-suspect-ahead-of-strasbourg-christmas-market-attack/2018/12/12/5f47366e-fd95-11e8-a17e-162b712e8fc2_story.html?utm_term=.f5d7620f0064

Mekhennet, Souad and Joby Warrick.  "ISIS Behind Bars."  The Washington Post.  July 26th, 2018.  Accessed from https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/world/europe-isis-prisons/?utm_term=.ffc4cc959d62

Oltermann, Philip.  "Christmas Market Truck Attack: Terrorism Fears Darken Germany's Mini-Utopias."  The Guardian.  Dec. 20, 2016.  Accessed from  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/ dec/20/berlin-truck-crash-terrorism-fears-darken-germanys-mini-utopias

Stewart, Scott. "Prison: A Train Ground for Terrorists."  Stratfor.  June 05, 2018.  Accessed from https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/prison-training-ground-terrorists.  

"Strasbourg Terrorist Chérif Chekatt is Dead (But His Ideology Lives On)."  Acts17Apologetics.  YouTube: 5:40.  December 13, 2018.  Accessed from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7XGOHSq6Jg.  


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