Two Tourists Beheaded in Morocco: Why?

In what has become yet another atrocity committed by the supporters of ISIS, two innocent young women who where on a hiking trip in Morocco were killed recently.  Maren Ueland, 28, of Norway and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, of Denmark, were killed while on a hiking trip through the Atlas Mountains of Morocco.  The reason for their death?  Terrorism.  

Everywhere in the world, people are murdered for many reasons: money, personal vendetta, robberies gone wrong, rape, gang violence, war, and yes, terrorism.  However, most random killings that happen are not necessarily planned, they often occur at random and can erupt seemingly out of nowhere.  However, this was not the case here.  The authorities have revealed that a group of men who pledged allegiance to ISIS (Four of the suspects recorded their allegiance to ISIS one week prior to the killings) and that these suspects came together and meticulously planned this killing.  They knew who these girls were, and they deliberately targeted them.  The fact that they filmed their despicable act and shared it on social media shows that they didn't just want to kill these women, they wanted to send a message to the world.  

While we mourn and ask how to prevent such atrocities from happening in the future, we neglect to ask the question "Why?"  Why did these men do this?  Why did they kill these women and send a video of their brutal deed?  What drove a group of men to join together and commit such a deliberately planned atrocity?  The truth lies in the place where our politically correct society doesn't want to look, the doctrines of Islam.  

Surah 5:33 of the Qur'an states the following: "The Recompense of those who wage War against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the Land is only that they shall be killed, crucified, have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be exiled from the land.  That is their disgrace in the World and a Great Torment is Theirs in the Hereafter."  

So for committing mischief in Muslim Lands, what's the punishment?  Well, according to the Qur'an, it's death, crucifixion, chopping off body parts, or banishment, but what constitutes as making Mischief in Islamic lands?  Lots of things: apostasy, becoming too Westernized, a woman who refuses to accept her inferior status under Sharia Law, criticizing the teachings or actions of Muhammad, things like that.  If you violate Sharia, you're making mischief, if you oppose Sharia and its spread, you've declared war on Allah.  

Suspects Declare Allegiance to ISIS in Video One Week Prior to Murder

So how did these two women "make mischief?"  Well think of this, the men who killed these women pledged allegiance to ISIS and to their declared Caliphate.  According to Islamic sources, have Western nations made mischief made Mischief in the Caliphate?  Have they stood against the spread of ISIS and Sharia?  Have they in fact declared war against Allah by opposing the ISIS Caliphate?  According to ISIS and their interpretation of the Qur'an, the answer is a resounding yes.  Both Norway and Denmark are officially part of the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS.  In the eyes of ISIS, these nations have declared War on Allah, and what is the punishment for this?  Death.  

However, one would then ask "Why attack these women?  They never hurt anybody, they're not soldiers of these nations."  Well, in the eyes of Allah, that doesn't matter.  In the Hadith of Sunan Ibn Maja 2759 and Sahih Bukhari 2843, "Those who equip Soldiers receive the same reward and those who are Soldiers."  Who equips the military forces of the nations of Denmark and Norway, that are helping in the fight against ISIS?  The answer is their governments, which is funded by the taxes of their civilians.  So in the eyes of the ISIS soldiers, these girls are guilty, because they help fund the military's of the nations that are fighting them.  Thus, they have to die, for in their eyes, they're part of the plot to overthrow the Caliphate.  This is why those girls were targeted, and why their killers showed their deaths on social media.  They want to send a message to all the citizens of the Global Coalition that none of them are safe, they will target us all, because in their eyes, we are all guilty of opposing the will of Allah.


Altaher, Nada & Rob Picheta.  "Arrests Made After Two Tourists Beheaded in Morocco."  CNN.  Dec. 21, 2018.  Accessed from

Libell, Henrik Pryser, Martin Selsoe Sorenson, and Aid Alami.  "Video of Tourists Killing in Morocco is Most Likely Real, Norway Says."  The New York Times.  Dec. 22, 2018.  Accessed from

"Murdered in Morocco: Jihad Against European Tourists."  Acts 17 Apologetics.  YouTube: 7:10.  Dec. 22, 2018.  Accessed from  

O'Neil, Marine.  "Family Urges Public Not to Watch Scandinavian Tourist Decapitation Video."  News.Com.Au.  Dec. 22, 2018.  Accessed from  


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