Iran Sentences Men to Jail for Supporting Women's Rights

On January 22, 2019, the Iranian regime sentenced Farhad Meysami and Reza Khandan to six years in prison.  In addition, the regime banned them from contributing to media and using social media for the next two years.  The regime convicted the two men of "assembly" and "collusion" against national security and for "propaganda against the ruling establishment."  What was their real crime?  Fighting for women's rights in Iran.  Under Iranian Sharia Law, women have few rights, if any.  

Women activists like Ayanz Anni Cyrus, who was forced into an abusive marriage against her will, raped, and beaten, knows this all too well.  When Anni Cyrus went to the authorities for help, she was turned away and told that her husband was permitted under Sharia to do this.  Iranian Law gives men total authority over women.  Women have no say in anything.  They're not even permitted to dress how they like.  This is what sparked the protests in Iran last December when women took to the streets and social media, and publicly removed their Hijab, which they are required by law to wear.  

Thankfully, not all Iranian men support the repressive laws against women, and a number are fighting the regime over this.  Unfortunately, the regime is cracking down on dissenters, with Mr. Meysami & Mr. Khandan becoming the latest victims.  Now, does the Women's March Feminists protest is support of these men?  No, have not yet done so.  Instead, they are astoundingly rallying around women like Linda Sarsour, who openly advocate bringing Sharia Law into this country, the very kind of law that is repressing women in Iran and getting their supporters locked up!  The Women's March has completely lost their sense of direction.  Their organizers have become so blinded by political correctness and left-wing propaganda that they are complete ignorant to the fact that they are becoming compliant to the repression of women all over the world.  


"No Turning Back for Iran's Hijab Protesters Despite Crackdown."  Middle East Monitor.  Jan. 24th, 2019.  Accessed from

"Two Prominent Rights Activists Sentenced to Six Years Each."  Radio Farda.  January 23rd, 2019.  Accessed from  

#No Hijab Day Video


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