Relativism is Killing People

Louisa Vesterager Jespersen of Denmark and Maren Ueland of Norway were brutally murdered by ISIS supporters while hiking in the Mountains of Morocco.  There are many in the world who blame the ISIS ideology for their deaths, but in truth, the West also has to share this blame.  This is because our Western education systems, media, and society as a whole is deceiving us into following the ideology of cultural relativism, which is "the belief that and individual's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than judged against the criteria of another."  Unfortunately, this is creating a society where we fail to distinguish between being "culturally respectful" and discerning what is morally right, and what is morally wrong, and understanding that these moral absolutes must always be upheld, regardless of what society or culture we live in.   

When I read about how these two girls were killed, I could not help but ask myself "Why were they even there?  Why would two girls hike alone in the mountains of a foreign country in an area of the world where terrorism is spreading rapidly?  Why didn't they at least go with a group of people and take the proper precautions?"  The answer is relativism.  People who are blinded by relativism deceive themselves into believing that evil does not exist.  Evil is something we simply made up to deal with the complexities of human beings who hold values and beliefs different from our own.  Well, Hitler certainly had different beliefs values from mine, but according to relativism, his beliefs are not evil.  Nor are those of ISIS, Boko Haram, Stalin, Pol Pot, or Jeffrey Dahmer.  Simply put, this "relativist" narrative is false.  Evil is as real as stone, it exists in our world, and many have people in our world follow it.  Unfortunately, many who refuse to accept this fact are paying the ultimate price for falling for this "Relativist Deception."

The Following is a List of people who have died, simply because our society encouraged them to embrace relativism over common sense.  

Pippa Bacca: Killed While Hitchhiking in Turkey
Common Sense: Don't hitchhike, especially in a Foreign Nation

Zaida Catalan: Swedish Green Party Member: Killed While Visiting War Zone In Congo
Common Sense: Catalan Supported Open Borders, but you don't open borders for Killers

Lauren Mann: American Nanny in Austria, Killed for Taking in a Gambian Migrant Facing Deportation
Common Sense: Don't take Strangers into your Home, Especially one being deported for Sexual Assault

Mailys Dereymaeker: Belgian Psychologist Fought to Prevent Deportation of Failed Asylum Seekers in Sweden,
Mowed down by Migrant Terrorist in Stockholm
Common Sense: There just might be a reason why some Migrants are being Deported

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan: American Cyclists Killed with Several Others by Terrorists in Tajikistan
Common Sense: Check the Country out before taking a Bike Trip

Louisa Jespersen : Maren Ueland: Killed While Hiking in Morocco
Common Sense: Two women shouldn't camp alone in a Foreign Nation

It is time for those blinded by relativism to learn the truth.  Evil exists in the world, and it it exists in some areas of the world more dangerous than others because some countries and societies enforce belief systems that are worse than others.


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