Texan Couple Found Guilty of Slavery

The Recently Convicted Couple
Last week, a Federal Judge found Texas couple Mohamed Toure and Denise Cros-Toure guilty of enslaving an West African migrant girl for 16 years.  According to the courts, the couple brought the young girl over from the country of Guinea when she was five.  For 16 years they forced her to work as a domestic servant.  She had to cook, clean, and when she was old enough, work as a nanny for their children.  She was to leave the house without permission, forced to sleep on a bare floor, and doesn't even know how old she is as she was never told of her birthday.  The young girl testified that her owners regularly beat her with an electric cord and referred to as a "dog" and a "slave."  

For years, the Toure's neighbors were clueless about what was  happening.  As a child, they kept her inside at all times, and when she was old enough to go outside and escort their children to school, the neighbors simply assumed she was the family nanny.  It never occurred to them that she was a slave.  Eventually, with the help of some former neighbors who had learned the truth, the young girl escaped.  The Toure's couple was arrested on April 26, 2018 and have just been convicted.  They face up to 20 years in prison.  


Ramirez, Domingo.  "Southlake Couple Found Guilty of Holding Young African Woman as Slave for Years."  Star Telegram.  Jan. 14th, 2019.  Accessed from https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/fort-worth/article224238625.html.

Steele, Tom.  "Wealthy Southlake Couple Kept Child from Africa as Slave for 16 Years Authorities Say."  Dallas News.  April 27th, 2018.  Accessed from https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/ 2018/04/26/fort-worth-couple-forced-child-africa-servitude-16-years-authorities-say.


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