The Fascist Tactics of the Radical Left

The Group Antifa claims to be Anti-Fascist, yet they continually utilize fascist tactics such as breaking windows, beatings, smearing, & intimidation.  They are in truth becoming the very thing that they claim to fight.  On university campuses across the, radical Leftists urge boycotts and protests against conservatives speakers.  When they fail to get the speakers banned, they resort to shouting them down as they try to speak, they seek to deliberately disrupt the talks with public spectacles and disruptive actions.  Ironically, Hitler's Brownshirts in the 1920's did the exact same thing.  During the time before the Nazis had great political power, they resorted to harassment tactics against their opponents.  For example, Nazi Brownshirts would hound their opponents at German universities.  They urged Germans to boycott the talks of Jewish philosopher Theodor Lessing (who openly spoke out against Nazism from the beginning).  They shouted him down at his lectures, and their continued harassment finally forced Theodor to resign from his position in 1926 and flee to Czechoslovakia (where he was later assassinated).  

In reality, the Radical Left is not at war against fascism, but conservatism, so they try to link all of the principles that conservatives embrace (Capitalism, faith, traditional families, and anti-abortion) with Nazism when in reality, the Nazi leaders opposed everything conservatives support.  Nazi leaders like Hitler favored a state-controlled economy, they deplored the teachings of Christianity as they believed that Christian theological teachings weakened the fighting spirit of the Germany people, they were very much pro-abortion as they wanted all "undesirable life" eliminated, and they opposed traditional families.  During their reign, SS leaders like Himmler set up Lebensborn clinics with the purpose of women serving as "breeders" to bring in pure-blooded German offspring, hardly what one would call a "traditional family."  Nazis were pro-abortion, anti-Christian, anti-Capitalism, and they were most definitely anti-Free Speech, and we see these same views from the Radial Left.  Recently, the city of Berkeley California had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on security just so conservative Jewish activist Ben Shapiro could come and speak peacefully.  Speakers like Candace Owens and Michael Knowles have been shouted down, insulted, and at times physically assaulted when they tried to peak on campuses.  Some universities are now having to have political debates behind closed doors via closed-circuit television as Radial Left protesters have been shouting down and at times even attacking the participants.  The Radical Left claims to want to fight fascism, but in truth, they're becoming the very thing that they seek to fight, and to become your enemy is to lose to them.


D'Sousa, Dinesh.  The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left.  Regnery Publishing: Washington D.C., 2017.


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