Third Week of January 2019: A Week of World-wide Terrorism

Many today continue to insist that Jihadist terrorism is not a world-wide problem, that it's mostly confined to the Middle East, and that it's only a handful of "crazy fringe groups" that engage in it.  However, is this really the case?  The 9/11 attack showed the world that they were capable of launching a massive attack right in the heart of our country.  The ongoing attacks in Europe and the Jihadist wars being raged in Africa and the South Philippines illustrates that  this is not a "Middle East Phenomena."  However, we don't need to look at what's happening since 9/11 to see that Jihadist terrorism is a world-wide problem, we can simply look at what has happened in the Third Week of January, 2019.

This week in Syria, four Americans (a Green Beret, a former Navy Seal, & two Language Specialists) were killed by an ISIS attack.  It seems that despite being driven back on all fronts, ISIS is very much capable of continuing attacks through the region.  Al-Shabaab terrorists from Somalia recently attacked a hotel in Kenya, killing 21 people, including an American businessman who had survived the 9/11 attack.  Over the weekend, two Buddhist Monks in Thailand were shot and killed in their temple by Jihadist gunmen.  They became the latest victims of a Jihadist insurgency since 2004 to separate the Muslim majority regions from the rest of Thailand, which is predominantly Buddhist.  The insurgency has claimed nearly 7,000 lives.  In the U.S., the FBI recently arrested Hasher Jalleal Taheb for plotting to carry out a terrorist attack.  Among his chose targets was the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and at least one Jewish site.  The FBI discovered three semi-automatic guns, explosive devices, and an AT-4 anti-tank rocket launcher in Taheb's possession.  

Now let's take a look at the ongoing crisis in Egypt.  During the Christmas season, Jihadist terrorists carried out church bombings in response to requests from the churches to worship in peace.  The request was met with Jihadists whipping up armed mobs to protest and eventually led to the Egyptian military closing down the churches, arresting the Coptic Priests, and taking them away in a vehicle usually used to transport animals.  Surah 98:6 of the Qur'an states that "Those who Disbelieved from among the People of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell.  They are the worst of Creatures."  

So according to the Qur'an, Jews, Christians, and Polytheists are lower than animals, so it's no surprise the Egyptian authorities treated the Coptic Priests as such and are actively persecuting them instead of protecting their basic human rights from Jihadist mobs.  The Coptic Christians were native to Egypt centuries before the Islamic conquest of the 7th century.  They have endured nearly 1400 years of persecution to the point that they're facing extinction.

So it's safe to say that Jihadist terrorism is indeed a world-wide problem.  It's everywhere and people all over the world are dying from it.  Nobody is safe.  Now one must ask, what is the ideology driving these Jihadists to do what they're doing?  It's certainly not Neo-Nazism, Socialism, Poverty, or Repression.  All of these terrorists in different corners of the world of various skin colors and nationalities are united by one thing: Islamism.  Something in this Islamist ideology is convincing these killers that these atrocities that they're committing are not only justified, but they actually believe that they're doing the right thing!  To understand this mindset, we must study the Islamist ideology, what it teaches, and what its goals are.  The military general Sun Tzu left us with these words of wisdom: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory you gain, you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy, nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Link to Video

Sevenzo, Farai, Faith Karimi, & Laura Smith-Spark.  "At Least 21 Killed as Kenya Hotel Siege is Declared Over."  CNN.  Jan. 17, 2019.  Accessed from -hotel-complex-terror-attack/index.html


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