New York Turns a Symbol of Life into a Symbol of Death

A Color of Life to a Color of Death
For years, the color of pink has been used to symbolize the fight against Breast Cancer, a terrible disease that has taken the lives of so many people in the U.S., and estimated 40,000 in 2018 alone.  The color of pink was used for years as a symbol of a fight for life.  Now, the City of New York has turned it into a color that celebrates death.  Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, recently signed the "New York Reproductive Health Act" into Law, an act that greatly expands the women's ability to receive an abortion all the way to the point of birth.  The fact that he had the gall to sign this atrocity into law so soon after the annual "March for Life" and that he lit up the Freedom Tower Pink in celebration is the ultimate slap in the face to all people in the world that choose to fight for life, and not death.

In Jeremiah 1:5 it is written "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you."  When the Christian church first started, the practice of infanticide was a common practice in many cultures and societies.  It was common among Greeks and Romans to abandon unwanted children in the wilderness to die, or to simply kill them outright.  This practice contradicted the teaching of the church that all life is sacred, and through the influence of Christianity, this practice was eventually stopped and declared illegal.  Unfortunately, this new Abortion Law is nothing short of legalized infanticide, and it shows just how far into the moral abyss that our society has fallen.  In decades past, the Democratic Party, though supporting abortion, viewed it as a terrible choice that should only be made in the most dire of circumstances.  Their motto was "Keep Abortion Legal, Safe, and Rare."  Now, all morality on this issue is gone.  Abortion has gone from being a "lesser of two evils" into a celebration!  Those who are cheering and celebrating this law are not listening to medical experts who have stated that after 20 weeks of pregnancy (five months), an infant is capable of feeling pain.  This is why New York, the previous limit for having an abortion was 24 weeks despite the fact that there have been known cases of babies being born shortly after the 20 week period and surviving.  Those who raised this infants all confessed that at this period, they can see for themselves that this infant did feel pain.  It is also revealed that many women who have abortions performed suffer long-term physical and psychological trauma.  

This abomination of a law that was passed in New York goes far beyond the decrees made in the Supreme Court Case Roe vs. Wade.  This law declares abortion as a "Fundamental Right" which directly contradicts the first fundamental right given in the Declaration of Independence, which is the "Right to Life."  This law not only allows abortion up to the moment of birth, it states if if the baby is born after surviving an attempted abortion that it does not require comfort care.  It allows midwives and practitioners of perform abortions, and even more astoundingly, it declares that if the child survives the abortion and is born alive, the medical staff does not have to provide medical care to keep the child alive.  They can simply allow the child to die.  This is legalized infanticide.  As a final insult to the sanctity of life, the law declares that if a pregnant woman is attacked and loses her child as a result of this attack, the perpetrator cannot be charged with committing a crime against the unborn child, he can only be charged with attacking the woman.  Astonishingly, State Senator Cathy Young tried to introduce an amendment to the bill to that would make maintain that causing a pregnant woman to lose her child due to assault a felony offense, but the Democratic Party of the state blocked this effort.  The reason being is that up until the very moment of birth, this infant is not considered to be human.  

David Wood & Karen Cross Expose New York's Abortion Law

The politicians and their supporters who passed this law try to cover up these atrocious facts by simply stating that they're trying to protect the rights give in Roe vs. Wade in the event that the Supreme Court changes its stance.  However, what many fail to understand is that even prior to Roe vs. Wade, it was never considered illegal for a woman to have an abortion to save her life.  Such cases are rare, and there is no known case of having to kill the unborn child late in the pregnancy to save the life of the mother.  In fact, the procedure to kill the unborn child in the womb late in the pregnancy is actually even more dangerous to the mother than allowing the baby to be born.  This argument that this law is being passed to protect the woman's health is further disproved by its permission to allow non-qualified personnel (midwives and nurse practitioners) to perform late term abortions.  In truth, this law is not protecting the life of the mother, it's actually endangering it.  

For too long, our society has deceived itself into believing that the unborn child is not human.  In many cases, these girls who are getting abortions at 16 weeks are being told that the fetus is nothing but cells and tissue, it only looks like an organ.  However, this is not the case, a young girl who was told this in an abortion clinic later saw the image of a fetus at 16 weeks, and it looked like an infant and has functioning brainwaves and organs.  As early as three weeks, the babies heart is beating.  So many fail to realize at at one point, we were all like this before we grew into what we are today.  Too many people seem to think that "legality means it's right."  Slavery was once legal in our nation, but it wasn't right.  What one must also consider what was written in Sanhedrin, Chapter 4, Mishnah 5.  When Cain murdered Abel, it was not just the blood of Abel that cried out from the ground, it was the blood of his descendants, all of the future generations that were to be born that would now never exist.  When we take the life of the unborn, we not only steal away their lives, but the lives of all their subsequent generations that were to follow.  

In many abortion clinics and medical facilities, there is overwhelming pressure from doctors and personnel for parents to abort their children if tests reveal that they child will be born with physical or mental defects.  The essentially try to convince the parents they they'll be too much of a burden for them and for society, and it's best to just do away with them.  This is not fighting for humanity.  This is a continuation of the infamous Nazi Aktion T4 program which sought to purge all of society of anyone with a perceived physical or mental "defect."  These clinics, like the Nazis, seek to convince us that these children are not "worthy of life" and it is for the "betterment of society" if they're just "disposed of."  One of the tragedies is that many these "unworthy children" that these so-called "specialists" try to convince this families to dispose of actually go on to live fruitful, meaningful lives.   It even turns out that some are born without any of these "disabilities" that were initially diagnosed.  

Many are also deceived into believing that if a child is born to a young girl from a poor background with little opportunity, that this is a "mercy killing" as there's no way this child could be cared for if it is born, but this simply is not true.  Some get abortions because they fear they can't care for the child, but Dr. Ben Carson was born to a poor mother who could not even afford to pay for her son to go on a carnival ride.  Yet he would grow up into a world renowned neurosurgeon.  We have no way of knowing what the child could become if they are not at least given the chance for life.  Even if a mother feels she cannot care for the child, there are always people out there willing to adopt a child in need.  Many must also realize that if they do make a mistake and have an unplanned pregnancy, most will not condemn them.  We all make mistakes, and what matters is what we choose to do afterward.  The truth is this, for all the rights we fight for, we all have a fundamental right to life, and this is a right we need to fight for above all others.    

So in closing, I will say this: "This Day I Call the Heavens and the Earth as Witnesses Against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now Choose Life, so that You and Your Children may Live.   
-Deuteronomy 30:19

Video that tells the Truth


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