Palestinian Arabs Confess that Arab Leaders Created the Palestinian Refugees

Former PLO Terrorist Tass Saada was born in a tent in a refugee camp in Gaza City in 1951.  Prior to the outbreak of the 1948 War, his father co-owned an Orange Grove in Jaffa with a Jewish friend and business partner.  When the 1948 War broke out, his father's friend and business partner begged him not to leave, pleading with him to stay and wait until the fighting ended to make his decision.  

Unfortunately, Tass's father followed the orders of the Arab governments of Jordan, Syria, & Egypt and “stepped aside” so the Arab League could drive the Zionists into the sea.  These leaders told the "Palestinian Arabs via radio, leaflets, and numerous other outlets to leave their homes and make room for the Arab combat legions to get through, assuring them that they would return to their homes after their victory.  As a result, over 700,000 Arabs became displaced, and most of their descendants have remained displaced due to the cruel policies of Arab national leaders.    

In his book, Tass Saada confessed that due to his father's connections, his family was able to leave the Gaza strip and eventually formed a new life as citizens in Qatar.  However, many other Palestinian Arabs were not so fortunate.  Nonie Darwish, whose father led terrorist attacks against Israel from Gaza throughout the 1950's, admitted in her book that when the Egyptians controlled Gaza, they made no effort to resettle the refugees and even forbade them to leave the Gaza Strip and seek homes elsewhere in Egypt.  Arabs who are identified as "Palestinians" have been repeatedly denied citizenship in Arab nations all over the world, even if they've lived in those nations for generations.  Nonie states that Arab leaders deliberately do this in order to wage a "Political War" against Israel.  Numerous Arab leaders, including former Syrian Prime Minister Khalid al-'Azm have also confessed that they are the ones responsible for creating the Palestinian Refugee Crisis.  

Tass revealed in his book that Yasir Arafat formed Fatah in the 1950's, years before Israel took over the disputed territory the West Bank and that the PLO was driven out of Jordan in 1971 due to the fact that Arafat tried to take over the nation after the 1967 6-Day War.  Tass himself attempted to assassinate the Prince of Jordan.  Eventually, Tass grew disenchanted with the ongoing conflict and chose to abandon violent Jihad.  Eventually, he became a Christian and a peace activist, seeking to promote reconciliation between both sides.  

Tass also confessed that Arafat never had any intention of making peace.  The PLO has not changed its charter since the 1993 Oslo Accord and when Tass visited Arafat during the 2nd Intifada and pleaded with him to seek peace, Arafat simply looked at him and changed the subject.  Tass revealed in his book that by claiming to seek peace, but not actually doing it, he was practicing the long-standing Islamic practice of Taqiyya, which means that lying and deception is permitting if it helps serve the advancement of Islamic expansion.  

Former Egyptian dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser was also guilty of employing the policy of Taqiyya.  In fact, it was this policy that enabled Israel to take control of the West Bank.  When the 6-Day War broke out, Nasser lied to King Hussein of Jordan and assured him that the Egyptian forces were winning when in fact they were being driven back on all fronts.  This lie led King Hussein to attack Israel, forcing and Israeli counter-attack that ultimatley drove the Jordanian forces out of the West Bank.  Nonie Darwish also attested that Arab leaders regularly practice these deceptive tactics today their society throughout the region continually preaches that lasting peace with Israel was not possible.  Calls for Jihad against Jews, Christians, and all infidels "non-Muslims" was preached daily both in the the government, the mosques, and the media before and after the 1967 6-Day War.  Those who openly advocated peace were publicly shamed, even killed.  

Arab peace activists like Tass Saada and Nonie Darwish feel that it's time for the people of the world to learn the Truth, that the Arab leaders created the problem of the Palestinian Refugees and they simply use them as a political weapon.  In truth, they care nothing for then.  Even leaders of the PLO are on record stating that Palestinian refugees would not qualify as citizens of any Palestinian State that is created.  Until this reality is accepted, things will not change in this conflict.


Darwish, Nonie.  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.  New York: Penguin Group, 2006.

Saada, Tass and Dean Merrill.  Once an Arafat Man.  Clarksville, Tennessee: Riggins International Rights Service, Inc., 2008.


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