The UK Denies Iranian Christian Convert Asylum: Citing Christianity is "not Peaceful
This is astounding, but not surprising. The British government has denied genuine asylum seekers time and again, citing reasons that are completely basis. For instance, the UK chose not to grant asylum to Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who was acquitted after spending nearly nine years on death row for blasphemy in Pakistan and has had radical mullahs throughout the nation calling for her death. Their justification is that they did not want to "disturb communal relations." Mende Nazer, a South Sudanese Muslim woman of the Nuba tribe was also denied asylum after she escaped from her enslavement by her Arab slave masters in the UK. The UK immigration office justified their decision by stating that "slavery was not persecution, that Sudanese
government had not been involved in the raid, & there was a ceasefire so it
was safe (ceasefires in South Sudan repeatedly broken)." Only after an international uproar did the UK relent and grant asylum. Not long ago, another Iranian refugee also sought asylum for the same reason. The Daily Mail reported the Home Office rejected her appeal on the basis that "Her faith is Half-Hearted as she did not feel that Jesus could protect her from the Iranian Regime." By this logic, a Christian shouldn't take medicine when sick, or wear a seat belt in a car, because they believe that "Jesus can protect them." This line of thinking is both wrong, and un-biblical, and the UK's latest action against yet another Iranian refugee is only their latest outrageous act.

Fortunately, the story has reached the media, and now the UK is reconsidering the asylum seekers case. It seems to be a direct repeat of the Mende Nazer fiasco, but for the sake of clarification, let us consider how the British officials who clearly have no knowledge of Christianity, felt justified in stating that it's not a "religion of peace."
When citing the book of Exodus and Leviticus, they fail to understand that this took place 1400 years prior to the dawn of Christianity. These books dealt specifically with the relationship between God and the Israelites in the land of Israel. It explicitly explains that the God was unleashing his Judgement on the people of the region for their centuries of wickedness (Ex. child sacrifice). However, it was also stated that this covenant dealt with this time and place and that in time, God would open up a New Covenant with all of mankind. In the meantime, the Book of Revelation speaks about the End Times. It explains how in time there will be much persecution of the followers of Jesus, there will be terrible wars, and in time, God will make his Final Judgement against the world. The Bible contains teachings of events that predate Christianity, teachings of Christianity, and prophecies of God's future Judgement. None of these books advocate Christians going out and committing violent acts against anybody. The commands that are directed toward Christians teach us to "Love God & Love Your Neighbor as Yourself (Mark 12:30-31), Love your Enemies and Pray for your Persecutors (Matthew 5:44), & Don't Reward Evil with Evil (Romans 12:17)"
It remains to be seen if the UK will start learning from their mistakes and start granting asylum to those who actually need it. Let us pray that they do.
Farmer, Ben & Patrick Sawer. "Asia Bibi not Offered Asylum in UK Amid Concerns of Unrest and Attacks." The Telegraph. Nov. 11th, 2018. Accessed from /2018/11/11/asia-bibi-not-offered-uk-asylum-amid-concerns-unrest-attacks/.
Lloronte, Elizabeth. "UK Denies Asylum to Iranian Convert to Christianity, Saying the Religion is 'Not Peaceful.'" Fox News. March 21, 2019. Accessed from
McClean, Dorothy Cummings. "Iranian Christian Convert Initially Referred Asylum in UK on Grounds that Christianity is Violent." Life Site. March 22, 2019. Accessed from
Nazer, Mende and Damien Lewis. Slave: My True Story. New York: Public Affairs, 2003.
Schaverien, Anna. "Rejecting Asylum Claim, U.K. Quotes Bible to Say Christianity is 'Not Peaceful." The New York Times. March 21, 2019. Accessed from
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