Iranians Know who the "Great Satan" Really Is.

Dr. Hormoz Shariat
Six years ago I had the privilege to meet Dr. Hormoz Shariat, the founder of "Iran Alive Ministries."  Dr. Shariat fled from Iran to escape the 1979 Revolution, settling in America.  The radicals who seized the nation soon began to teach their people that the United States was the "Great Satan."  They have indoctrinated their people into believing this every since.  In 1980, Dr, Shariat converted to Christianity and his ministry through church planting and satellite broadcasts, believing that the best way to fight the regime was with the love of God.  

Over the years his ministry has reached millions of people all over the world, earning him the title of "The Billy Graham of Iran."  Dr. Shariat's work has cost him dearly.  His younger brother, who was unable to escape Iran, was arrested at the age of 16 on minor political charges.  Two years later, he was executed by firing squad, and their mother was forced to pay the cost for the bullets to execute him.  Despite his loss, he and other courageous Iranians have not been dissuaded from fighting the tyranny of the regime, nor has he stopped sharing the Gospel with fellow Iranians.  

Dr. Shariat is not the only courageous Iranian to have suffered under the Iranian Regime.  In 2009, two Iranian women, Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh, were arrested by the Iranian authorities.  Their crime was converting to Christianity and evangelizing their faith to fellow Iranians, both of which are considered capital offenses in Iran.  Prior to their conversion, the regime did everything in their power to indoctrinate these women into following their twisted ideology.  Everyday at school they were forced to dress according to Sharia, recite the Qur'an, and scream "Death to America!  Death to Israel!"  In the book, Captive in Iran, they confessed that they didn't even know where these nations were on the map, they were only told that they were unspeakably evil.  However, during their 294-day incarceration at Evin prison, they saw evil first hand.  They endured horrific torment at the hands of the guards, they encountered thousands of women who were unjustly imprisoned, a number of whom, including their close friend, Shirin Alam Hooli, were executed by the regime.  Only intense international pressure was able to secure their release.  

Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh Speak in D.C. about their Imprisonment in Iran

Knowing that the regime had them marked, they had no choice to flee to Turkey after their release.  They were granted asylum to the United States one year later.  In a recent speech in Washington DC, Maryam Rostampour stated that "After living in the United States we know who the real 'Great Satan' actually is."  It's the Iranian regime, which represses all its minorities, locks up and imprisons dissidents, and gives more focus to funding terrorism than on the well-being of their people.  


Captive in Iran

Iran Alive Ministries


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