Pakistani Father Kills Daughter for Refusing to Fast for Ramadan.

On May 17, 2019, 18-year-old Umme Samina was murdered by her father for refusing to faster during Ramadan.  Police reports reveal that Umme Samina refused to do so for health reasons, that she was ill and the fast was taking a toll on her physically.  Her father, Gulzar Ahmed became enraged that his daughter had not waken him up for the Sehri (the morning meal before the fast, which begins at sunrise) and grabbed a pistol, shooting her dead.  Gulzar Ahmed was a repeated felon who had served two years in prison and also had a severe alcohol addiction.  

Though the Ramadan fast is a pillar of the Islamic faith, people are exempt from it if they're elderly, sick, traveling, pregnant, under the age of puberty, or suffer psychological trauma.  These factors did not enter the thoughts of this obviously disturbed man who murdered his daughter in cold blood.  


"Punjab, Father Shoots Daughter who Refused to Fast for Ramadan."  AsiaNews.  May 17, 2019.  Accessed from,-father-shoots-daughter-who-refused-to-fast-for-Ramadan-47034.html.


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