Terrorists Seeking to Infiltrate the Southern Border

Syrian forces recently apprehended captured ISIS fighter Abu Henricki, a Canadian citizen.  Upon capture, Henricki confessed ISIS ordered him to attack U.S. by opening a terrorist route in Central America.  In reality, it's an entirely plausible plan.  ISIS already has well-planned infiltration tactics to blend with refugees and enter Europe.  In fact, many of the recent terrorists attacks in Europe were committed by ISIS militants blending in with the refugees.  

The International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) revealed that ISIS plotted to send militants who were not known to intelligence agencies in the West and send them over to blend in the with thousands of migrants who keep seeking to enter the United States through the Southern Border.  He also revealed that operatives within America were involved in this.  Henricki revealed that ISIS collaborated with an operative in New Jersey to transport him to Puerto Rico, and then travel by boat to Mexico.  Once he crossed the border, he'd carry out attacks on financial institutions in America.  

Henricki is not the only Canadian ISIS fighter who has been detained.  There are at least 15 documented Canadian ISIS fighters sitting in Syrian prisons as well as 17 Canadian children.  ISIS wanted to send English speakers and Westerners into the U.S. to launch terrorist attacks, and with at least two dozen known Canadian ISIS fighters in Syrian jails, one cannot begin to fathom the number of Western Jihadist fighters in the Middle East who would be willing to carry out this mission.  Though the ongoing migrant crisis is serious and it's our natural nature to want to help, this case is proof as to why an open border is not an option and why border security is necessary.  It took only a handful of infiltrators to carry out the horrific Paris Attack of Nov. 2015, and it won't be hard for a similar massacre to be carried out on American soil, especially if we allow our emotions to cloud our reasoning.  


Bell, Stewart.  "Canadian Captured in Syria says ISIS asked him to Infiltrate U.S. to Conduct Attacks."  Global News.  June 07, 2019.  Accessed from  https://globalnews.ca/news/5365018/canadian-isis-infiltrate-u-s/

Hunter, Brad.  "Canadian ISIS Fighter Details Plot to Smuggle Jihadists into U.S."  Toronto Sun.  June 07, 2019.  Accessed from https://torontosun.com/news/world/canadian-isis-fighter-details-plot-to-smuggle-jihadis-into-u-s

McKay, Holly.  :ISIS Plotted to Send Westerners to U.S. through Mexican Border."  Fox News.  June 06, 2019.  Accessed from  https://www.foxnews.com/world/isis-plot-westerners-mexico-border.

Yousseff, Michael.  The Barbarians are Here: Preventing the Collapse of Western Civilization in Times of Terrorism.  Franklin TN: Worthy Publishing, 2017.


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