How Tyrants Try to Silence Critics of Honor Killings
The Issue of Honor Killings have gained greater interests among human rights circles. In societies dominated by an Honor/Shame cultural dynamic, a family’s respect and position within the community is dependent on the family’s honor. The honor is the sole responsibility of the women of the family who are taught from childhood the consequences of their behavior. The woman is the property of the man, whether her father, brother, or husband. Shame is linked to every aspect of the woman’s behavior: her dress code, social behavior, her proper head covering, and many others.

In this societal system, any woman who is perceived as bringing "dishonor" on the family or clan must be killed for soiling the family's honor. Throughout the world there has been a growing movement both inside and outside of honor/shame societies to bring this practice to an end. Every year thousands of women have been murdered in Honor Killings and it's becoming an increasing problem in Western societies with the growing immigration from these societies who bring this cultural trait with them. Unfortunately, there is also a growing movement to have these critics silenced, by any means necessary. At times violence is used to silence critics. In the Netherlands, Ex-Muslim and anti-Sharia activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali worked with film director Theo Van Gogh to make a film exposing the Honor Violence again Muslim women. Some time later Theo Van Gogh was murdered for this by a radical Islamist with a note stabbed into his body warning Ayaan that she was next.
Unfortunately, violence is not their only tactic, those that seek to silence the dissidents also use the weapon of Political Correctness. This movement is spearheaded by the Radical Left whose disdain for Western Society blinds them to the dynamic of this human rights issue as and the Islamists who support this ongoing practice and don't want this inhumane tradition to stop. Organizations such as the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is a Muslim Brotherhood front organization made alliances with other Leftist organizations to try, and at times succeed, in getting the documentary film Honor Diaries banned from being shown on college campuses. They have also cowed many mainstream news organizations into remaining silent on this issue. Now they are moving on to silence the one remaining platform left: Social Media.
In recent weeks, the anti-Sharia site Acts17Apologetics recently released a video in which they stated how YouTube removed a previous video criticizing the practice of Honor Killings that had been on their network page for over seven years. YouTube cited their reasoning by stating it "incited violence against a certain group of people" and "promoted hate-speech." This video, which was re-uploaded on BITCHUTE (Link to Video) was released after the infamous Shafia Honor Killings in Canada back in June 2009. In this case, a man named Muhammad Shafia, a millionaire businessman from Afganistan, along with his son, Hamed, and one of his wives, Tooba, carried out an honor killing of his second wife, and three of their daughters. The family attempted to disguise the killing as a "car accident," but were ultimately convicted. During the trial, the mainstream media often referred to this as a case of "domestic violence" whereas the judge simply referred to it as "murder." Apparently it wasn't "politically correct" to refer to the case as an "honor killing"
The video that YouTube banned was a two-hour panel discussion of three: a Christian apologist who is familiar with Sharia Law, an Ex-Muslim who converted to Islam and followed it for 10 years before leaving for another faith, and a gentleman who lost a female friend of his to an honor killing. During the video the members of the panel explain the ideology and dynamics behind honor killings and why they're so prevalent, exposed the Mainstream Media's deliberate ignorance of this issue, and had a number of individuals and activists call in from all over the world to share their personal views and ask questions.
Frankly, there was nothing at all offensive about this video. It was a panel of well-informed people explaining this practice and offering insight on how to bring this violent practice to an end. They were not inciting violence at all, they were speaking out against violence. Unfortunately, the Radical Left and Islamist groups like CAIR demand that this issue not be brought up anywhere as it promotes "cultural insensitivity." It's time for people who actually care about basic human rights to start standing up and telling this groups that "culture is not an excuse for abuse," and it is certainly not an excuse for murder. Tyrants will try to silence us, whether it's with smear tactics, accusations of bigotry, threats, or outright murder, but the Holocaust taught us that "Silence is Betrayal." We must remember this, and we must refuse to be silenced by tyrants.

In this societal system, any woman who is perceived as bringing "dishonor" on the family or clan must be killed for soiling the family's honor. Throughout the world there has been a growing movement both inside and outside of honor/shame societies to bring this practice to an end. Every year thousands of women have been murdered in Honor Killings and it's becoming an increasing problem in Western societies with the growing immigration from these societies who bring this cultural trait with them. Unfortunately, there is also a growing movement to have these critics silenced, by any means necessary. At times violence is used to silence critics. In the Netherlands, Ex-Muslim and anti-Sharia activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali worked with film director Theo Van Gogh to make a film exposing the Honor Violence again Muslim women. Some time later Theo Van Gogh was murdered for this by a radical Islamist with a note stabbed into his body warning Ayaan that she was next.
In recent weeks, the anti-Sharia site Acts17Apologetics recently released a video in which they stated how YouTube removed a previous video criticizing the practice of Honor Killings that had been on their network page for over seven years. YouTube cited their reasoning by stating it "incited violence against a certain group of people" and "promoted hate-speech." This video, which was re-uploaded on BITCHUTE (Link to Video) was released after the infamous Shafia Honor Killings in Canada back in June 2009. In this case, a man named Muhammad Shafia, a millionaire businessman from Afganistan, along with his son, Hamed, and one of his wives, Tooba, carried out an honor killing of his second wife, and three of their daughters. The family attempted to disguise the killing as a "car accident," but were ultimately convicted. During the trial, the mainstream media often referred to this as a case of "domestic violence" whereas the judge simply referred to it as "murder." Apparently it wasn't "politically correct" to refer to the case as an "honor killing"
The video that YouTube banned was a two-hour panel discussion of three: a Christian apologist who is familiar with Sharia Law, an Ex-Muslim who converted to Islam and followed it for 10 years before leaving for another faith, and a gentleman who lost a female friend of his to an honor killing. During the video the members of the panel explain the ideology and dynamics behind honor killings and why they're so prevalent, exposed the Mainstream Media's deliberate ignorance of this issue, and had a number of individuals and activists call in from all over the world to share their personal views and ask questions.
Frankly, there was nothing at all offensive about this video. It was a panel of well-informed people explaining this practice and offering insight on how to bring this violent practice to an end. They were not inciting violence at all, they were speaking out against violence. Unfortunately, the Radical Left and Islamist groups like CAIR demand that this issue not be brought up anywhere as it promotes "cultural insensitivity." It's time for people who actually care about basic human rights to start standing up and telling this groups that "culture is not an excuse for abuse," and it is certainly not an excuse for murder. Tyrants will try to silence us, whether it's with smear tactics, accusations of bigotry, threats, or outright murder, but the Holocaust taught us that "Silence is Betrayal." We must remember this, and we must refuse to be silenced by tyrants.
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