Accepting Jesus cost this Woman Everything

This Pakistani woman was a Shiite Muslim who recently accepted Jesus as her savior.  To protect her identity, I must refer to her as "Kerri."  "Kerri" came from a very religious and conservative Muslim family.  She was a strong seeker, who wished to learn who God really was and what he wanted of her.  She prayed the Islamic Prayer five times a day as prescribed in her faith and asked everyday: as  “Where are you,” but never got an answer.  For years "Kerri" tried idol worship, went to tombs to pray, even tried magic with her father, but it was all in vain.  She called on Allah to prove he’s God, but nothing happened.  

She began to feel great fear and asked: “Did God create me only to forget about me?”  Sometime later, she began watching Christian testimony on TV.  The program is called Isaac Channel, and it's very popular in Pakistan.  After watching the programs, she began to go to church.  She felt it was strange, that women were not covering their heads, and that they were not respecting God, but she felt a presence nevertheless, and for the first time, she heard God speak to he said: “Don’t look to the people, but to me.”  The Pastor then prayed or her, and she felt the Holy Spirit fill her for the first time.  It was God who changed her, nobody else.  After attending church for four Sundays, "Kerri" gave her self to Jesus.  

"Kerri's" faith cost her everything.  Her family locked her out and shunned her.  Her husband divorced her and forbade her to ever see her 8-year-old daughter again.  For a time "Kerri" lived in a church, but eventually the Pastor's wife told her she had to move on and could not stay any longer.  A number of people claiming to belong to charity organizations offered to help her, but most of them were frauds.  One even tried to sell her to an organ harvesting ring in Malaysia.  Though she later found a safe refuge in Pakistan, her future remains uncertain.  She currently is relying on the generosity of fellow Christians to stay alive.  She has not seen her daughter since her conversion, and she might never seem her again.  She has no rights under Pakistani Law because she is a woman and a convert, no court would side with her in a custody case.  "Kerri" has lost so much to find Jesus, but our Lord warned us that this would happen, that that not only would we have to bear the cross and follow him, but that those closest to us, may be the ones who become our greatest foes.

  • "Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and  follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose  it,  but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."-Matthew 16:24-25
  • "Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."                   -Matthew 10:34-36
"Kerri" prays that one day she will get her daughter back, that she will be able to provide for her, but more than anything, she wants to teach other Pakistanis about who Jesus really is.  She wants to share the Gospel, to be a true Disciple.  She prays that one day religious freedom will come to her country.  There should never be any obstacles preventing someone from seeking God.  


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