Planned Parenthood: America's Nazi Doctors?

Is it unfair to compare Planned Parenthood to Nazi Eugenics?  The sad truth is that it is not.  The Nazi T4 program  was specifically designed for the purpose of destroying "life unworthy of life."  In Henry Friedlander's book The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution we learn that the Nazis engaged in a mass extermination of all people in their society (the mentally ill, the physically disabled, the 'feeble-minded,' etc,) and that not only were they murdered, but their body parts were often sent to German scientific institutions for study.  

Many of those who worked in the T4 program later went on to take a direct role in carrying out the "Final Solution" against the Jewish people of Europe.  Planned Parenthood poses as a “birth control” organization, much like the T4 installations tried to masquerade as treatment centers, but the truth is that Planned Parenthood is an abortion installation.  Not only does Planned Parenthood actively engage the killing of those deemed "unworthy of life," its been proven that they sell fetal body parts from aborted children.  Stem cell companies purchase brains of aborted children, fetus body arts are ripped apart in the wombs.  Much in the same way that German Science Institutions took the bodies of the T4 victims for study.  

Kermit Gosnell: America's Mengele
The American abortion industry even has its own Dr. Mengele.  Our Mengele is Kermit Gosnell, who ran an abortion clinic in West Philly (Women’s Medical Society).  He performed late-term abortions & partial birth abortions, mostly on poor women.  If the aborted child survived, Gosnell killed them in a process he termed “ensuring fetal demise.”  His killing tactics was to heavily drug premature infants, then cut their spinal cords with scissors.  He killed thousands of children, much like Mengele.  

Planned Parenthood is our Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.  Though Mengele did not work for the Institute, just as Gosnell did not work for Planned Parenthood, these organizations provided institutional legitimacy for their work.  Both men saw themselves as pioneers of the scientific and progressive frontier.   However, Progressives distance themselves from these facts and from Gosnell, and fiercely defend Planned Parenthood as a social institution.   In the progressive narrative, many try to claim that both Gosnell and Mengele “went too far,” but the truth is that both Mengele and Gosnell simply went down the path that progressives in both their nations laid out for them.  Both thought they were getting rid of “disposable people to advance the cause of progress.”  Mengele’s cause was “in” among Nazis in Germany, and Gosnell’s is “in” among the Leftists and Progressives in U.S. today.  The passage of the bill in New York which legalizes abortion up to the moment of birth and even permits babies who survived abortion to be left to die.  Thus, when writing in Slate, William Saletan asked “what was Gosnell’s crime?”  The sad truth is that from the Left’s view, late term abortion wasn’t wrong because many support the belief that a woman should be allowed to get an abortion at any point in their pregnancy.  Gosnell is serving life in prison, but if he did in New York today what he did in Pennsylvania years ago, there's a good chance that he would be a free man.  


      Friedlander, Henry.  The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution."  Chapel Hill: NC, The University of North Carolina Press, 1995.  

      Goldberg, Jonah.  Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Change.  New York: Broadway Books, 2009.

D'Souza, Dinesh.  The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left.  Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2017.

      Lattanzio, Vince.  "Gosnell's 'House of Horrors' Abortion Equipment Shown to Public."  NBC Philadelphia.  June 03, 2013.  Accessed from


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