Some Pro Choice Leaders Know the Truth...They Just Don't Care

The pro-choice movement tries to convince itself and others that the unborn child is not a living thing, but scientific evidence indicates that this is not the case.  According to the Harper Collins Medial Dictionary, life begins at conception.  Within six weeks of conception, the unborn child has a heartbeat and brain activity.  Within 13 weeks, all the body parts of the unborn child are fully-formed.  Within five months, a child can be born prematurely and survive.  The more advanced our scientific technology and understanding becomes, the more it favors the view of the Pro-life movement, rather than the Pro-choice one.  

The sad truth is that many Pro-choice advocates know this.  One such individual is Mary Elizabeth Williams.  In a 2013 Ms. Williams wrote an article entitled "So What if Abortion Ends Life?"  She made it clear that she knew that the unborn child was a living human being.  She stated that she knew that "life begins at conception....the fetus is indeed a life, a life worth sacrificing."  She justified her position by stating a view that our society is supposed to be standing against: that "all life is not equal."  

When we see our children in the hospital, do we ever think that they're just a ball of cells and nothing more?  Do we think that it's just something we can dispose of when we don't want it?  Do we ever consider that it's not a living, breathing, human being with its own mind and body?  I don't believe that any rational person considers that and it's time we realize the truth.  A baby is a baby, regardless of whether or not it's in the mother's womb.  One should also keep this in mind: Until the advent of Christianity, infanticide was perfectly legal in many societies.  State-sanctioned murder is still murder.  


The Harper Collins Illustrated Medical Dictionary.  New York: Harper Perennial, 1993.  

Strobel, Lee and Mark Mittelberg.  The Case for Christ: Daily Moment of Truth.  

Williams, Mary Elizabeth.  "So What if Abortion Ends Life?"  Salon.  January 23. 2013  Accessed from


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