Eleven Year Old Pakistani Child Raped by Religious Instructor
On Oct. 31 2019, 11-year-old Afsana, who resides in the Pakistani city of Karachi, went to her local Mosque to read the Qur'an. It was in the mosque that she was raped by one of the religious instructors, Imam Masjid. Her outraged family immediately reported the incident to the local police, but unfortunately, the police have not yet pressed charges against Imam Masjid. Pakistani society is very discriminatory toward women. Typically in a rape case, the man's word is taken in higher regard than that of the woman. The reason being is that under Sharia Law, a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man's (Surah 2:282 & Bukhari Volume 3, Book 48, Number 826). This Orthodox Islamic teachings was steadily introduced into becoming the law of the state of Pakistan after General Zia took over the nation in a military coup in 1977, and in many regards is still the law in Pakistan today.
The passage and enforcement of this law by General Zia has had
devestating consequences. As a result of its passage, Pakistan has had an ongoing problem for years where instead of imprisoning rapists for their crime, they actually sent many of their accusers (including children) to jail for adultery when they went to the authorities because the man's word was always held in higher regard by the courts than the woman's. Right now, the police are demanding medical records from Afsana's family to prove she was raped, but even if the police eventually accept the truth, there is no guarantee that they'll take action. Pakistani law officers are infamous for their corruption and throughout the country many rapists have bribe the authorities to drop the investigations and not pursue legal action. Let us pray that this is not the case for Afsana. Let us pray that she receives justice.
"Justice for Afsana: Eleven-Year-Old Raped by Religious Teacher in a Mosque." Independent News Coverage Pakistan. Nov. 6th, 2019. Accessed from https://www.incpak.com/national/justice-for-afsana-raped-in-mosque/
Zahra, Kinza. "Qur'an Teacher who Raped Minor Girl Inside the Mosque Arrested." Blogs Siasat. Nov. 01, 2019. Accessed from https://blog.siasat.pk/quran-teacher-who-raped-minor-girl-inside-the-mosque-arrested/.
devestating consequences. As a result of its passage, Pakistan has had an ongoing problem for years where instead of imprisoning rapists for their crime, they actually sent many of their accusers (including children) to jail for adultery when they went to the authorities because the man's word was always held in higher regard by the courts than the woman's. Right now, the police are demanding medical records from Afsana's family to prove she was raped, but even if the police eventually accept the truth, there is no guarantee that they'll take action. Pakistani law officers are infamous for their corruption and throughout the country many rapists have bribe the authorities to drop the investigations and not pursue legal action. Let us pray that this is not the case for Afsana. Let us pray that she receives justice.
"Justice for Afsana: Eleven-Year-Old Raped by Religious Teacher in a Mosque." Independent News Coverage Pakistan. Nov. 6th, 2019. Accessed from https://www.incpak.com/national/justice-for-afsana-raped-in-mosque/
Zahra, Kinza. "Qur'an Teacher who Raped Minor Girl Inside the Mosque Arrested." Blogs Siasat. Nov. 01, 2019. Accessed from https://blog.siasat.pk/quran-teacher-who-raped-minor-girl-inside-the-mosque-arrested/.
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