Fourteen-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped & Forcibly Married In Karachi

In Middle East nations from Egypt, to Pakistan, to Indonesia it's been an ongoing practice for women of religious minorities to be kidnapped by Islamists and forcibly converted and married to their kidnapper.  The victims include Christians, Hindus, Yazidis, even Muslim women who belong to a different sect from that of their kidnapper.  In Nov. of 2019, another young girl fell victim to this practice.  Her name is Humma, and she is a 14-year-old girl from the city of Karachi in Pakistan.  One month ago, she was kidnapped from her school, and just recently, a video was released on social media in which she confessed that she accepted Islam and is now happily married to her Muslim husband.  This is a lie.  No 14-year-old child willingly agrees to marriage and conversion after disappearing for a month.  Unfortunately, the Pakistani authorities, like many others in the Middle East, are blinded by their prejudice and corruption.  Once a girl is recorded making a statement like this, they seldom, if ever, make any attempt to rescue her and return her to her family.  

They simply tell her parents that she's converted, married, and now belongs to her new "husband."  These atrocities cannot be allowed to continue.  In Pakistan alone, conservative investigators state that there are over 700 documented cases of women of religious minorities being abducted & forcibly married against their will every year, and the sad truth is that the actual number is probably much higher.  Nations all over the world need to rise up and pressure Middle East authorities to take action and end this horrific practice.  


"Pakistan Archbishop Warns of Surge in Christian Girls Kidnapped, Forced into Marriages."  Angelus News.  Sept. 27, 2019.  Accessed from

Shiner, Fionn.  "Christian Girls are Being Kidnapped and Forced to Convert, Pakistan Archbishop Warns."  Catholic Herald.  Sept. 26, 2019.  Accessed from 2019/09/26/christian-girls-are-being-kidnapped-and-forced-to-convert-pakistan-archbishop-warns/


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