Democratic Party Sells Out Iranian People

For decades the Iranian regime has kept the people living in a state of fear and repression.  Religious minorities have been subject to constant persecution, whether they're Christian, Baha'i, or any minority Islamic sect.  Women have few basic human rights, if any.  Homosexuals have been legally executed simply for being homosexual, and dissidents of all walks of life have either been locked up or murdered.  In the last few months alone, the Iranian regime has killed well over a thousand protesters who want to be free of this despotic regime.  

Iranian Political Prisoners Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh Speak in Washington DC
Congressman Bill Johnson & Senator Ted Cruz vow to Stand with the Iranian People in their Struggle for Freedom

Less than a year ago I personally met Iranian dissidents in Washington DC, some of whom were locked in the infamous Evin Prison for at least a year, often more, simply for their faith, or for opposing the regime.  A number of Congressmen attended and told these dissidents that our country stood with them and would fight for the liberation of their people.  However, when the time came for Congress to live up to this promise, the Democratic Party backed down.  They would not condemn the regime for their brutality against the protesters.  They would not condemn their inept military for shooting down a plane and killing 176 innocent people.  They would not call on the Iranian leaders to refrain from violence and to start promoting the basic human rights that they have so long denied to their people.  They would not stand up against tyranny.  

It's bad enough former President Obama gave billions of dollars to this tyrannical regime that did nothing with these funds except expand their terrorist networks & further repress their people.  Now the Democratic Party can't even make a gesture of support to the courageous Iranians who are standing up to tyranny.  

By refusing to allow our country to voice its support for the Iranian people the Democratic Party has betrayed every principle that our country professes to stand for: The right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The Democratic Party has sold out the Iranian people.  


Article #1

Article #2

Article #3


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