How This Couple Avoided Making King David's Mistake
When one thinks of King David, we think of how as a mere boy he courageously slew the giant Goliath with a sling shot, but what many don't know about him is the the terrible mistake he made as King. As King David followed the ways of the Lord, he and his Kingdom prospered, but as he was looking out over the city of Jerusalem, he witnessed the site of a beautiful bathing woman called Bathsheba. As he watched, the sin of lust seized hold of him, and he ordered Bathsheba to come to him and they eventually engaged in relations with one another. The fact that Bathsheba was already married to one of his generals, Uriah the Hittite, was irrelevant to King David, as he felt that as King, he was entitled to anything his heart desired (Link to Bible Verse).
When Bathsheba found out she was pregnant with King David's child, the right think for King David to have done was to have confessed his sin both to God and to Uriah and seek repentance. Understandably such a thing would have been very difficult for him to do, but the right way is not always the easy way. Instead of doing what was right, King David did a terrible thing. He sent Uriah to the front line of a battle and ordered his troops to pull back and allow for Uriah to be killed. Instead of admitting his wrongdoing, Kind David tried to cover up his wrongdoing by committing an even worse sin. However, the Lord saw everything, and the Prophet Nathan called King David out on it. In the end, King David paid a terrible price for his sin, and he would have to live with the burden of what he did for the rest of his life.
Recently, I read about a young woman named Autumn (Link to Article). She was married with three children, but unfortunately, her marriage of four years was falling apart. The couple was struggling with financial and emotional issues, controlling in laws, and Autumns husband was struggling with a powerful addiction to pornography. Despite all of the marriage counseling, Autumn was giving up to the point that she had an affair with another man. Then she learned stunning news, she was pregnant with that man's child. Like many women in her place, Autumn was considering an abortion. She felt that it was the only way to save what was left of her marriage. What she didn't realize was that she was about to make King David's mistake and try to cover up one sin with another. However, as she made plans for the abortion, realization struck her. She realized that it was not right for her to kill her unborn child over a wrong she committed.
Instead of going through with the abortion, Autumn instead decided to turn to the Lord and do what was right. After reading the story of another woman named Audrey who had found herself in the same predicament, but chose to do the right thing (Link to Article), Autumn confessed her sin to her husband, and told him she wanted to have the child. Her husband was understandably upset and he left for a time, but he eventually realized that his wife had done what was right. In time, he came to terms with his own wrongdoings as well. Instead of divorcing, the couple reconciled their marriage and Autumn gave birth to a beautiful daughter that her husband has come to love as his own.
Now while it is true that not all couples may reconcile over something like this, it nevertheless serves as to teach us two valuable lessons. The first being that society's way of handing a problem may not always be the right way. Sometimes the way of God doesn't fit with what society teaches us, and there will come a time when we will have to chose between doing what's right and doing what society tells us we should do. The second lesson is that when we do commit wrongdoings, and we all will at some point in our lives, we should not try to cover them up with more mistakes. We must stand up and confess our wrongs and seek to do what is right, even if it's difficult to do so. We must never take the path that King David chose to take, for even when we feel we've gotten away with something, God always sees, and he always knows, and in the end, we will be confronted with that reality in the same way that King David was confronted.
When Bathsheba found out she was pregnant with King David's child, the right think for King David to have done was to have confessed his sin both to God and to Uriah and seek repentance. Understandably such a thing would have been very difficult for him to do, but the right way is not always the easy way. Instead of doing what was right, King David did a terrible thing. He sent Uriah to the front line of a battle and ordered his troops to pull back and allow for Uriah to be killed. Instead of admitting his wrongdoing, Kind David tried to cover up his wrongdoing by committing an even worse sin. However, the Lord saw everything, and the Prophet Nathan called King David out on it. In the end, King David paid a terrible price for his sin, and he would have to live with the burden of what he did for the rest of his life.
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Autumn & Her Daughter |
Instead of going through with the abortion, Autumn instead decided to turn to the Lord and do what was right. After reading the story of another woman named Audrey who had found herself in the same predicament, but chose to do the right thing (Link to Article), Autumn confessed her sin to her husband, and told him she wanted to have the child. Her husband was understandably upset and he left for a time, but he eventually realized that his wife had done what was right. In time, he came to terms with his own wrongdoings as well. Instead of divorcing, the couple reconciled their marriage and Autumn gave birth to a beautiful daughter that her husband has come to love as his own.
Now while it is true that not all couples may reconcile over something like this, it nevertheless serves as to teach us two valuable lessons. The first being that society's way of handing a problem may not always be the right way. Sometimes the way of God doesn't fit with what society teaches us, and there will come a time when we will have to chose between doing what's right and doing what society tells us we should do. The second lesson is that when we do commit wrongdoings, and we all will at some point in our lives, we should not try to cover them up with more mistakes. We must stand up and confess our wrongs and seek to do what is right, even if it's difficult to do so. We must never take the path that King David chose to take, for even when we feel we've gotten away with something, God always sees, and he always knows, and in the end, we will be confronted with that reality in the same way that King David was confronted.
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